You’ve already seen that the King’s Gambit is a powerful weapon. If Black isn’t ready to respond properly in the opening, they will easily lose the game in a few moves. It’s clear as day that simply accepting the opponent’s sacrificed pawn is the wrong strategy. Why? It forces you to go on the defensive…
Game of Chess
This opening is associated with the Renaissance. It has been loved by players for many centuries because it often leads to dynamic games. You need to see it just once to grasp its beauty. A cascade of victims and non-standard ideas look impressive on the board. But nowadays, the King’s Gambit is rarely used by…
From time to time, chess in the arts appears in history. Classical paintings showcase different periods of their development. The rules and the appearance of chess pieces have been changing in the course of centuries. After all, it’s one of the oldest games on Earth. Occasionally, the pieces occupy deliberate, rather than random, spaces on…