1 Elo Chess


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%1$ Comments208

    I think they watch how pro players won’t just trade pawns and assume they shouldn’t just take a piece

    How to order your book from Ukraine, man? RozMan.

    And Gotham sacrifices… THE AUDIO SYNCHRONISATION!

    please! someone's gotta make a dubstep remix out of the parts at ~14 minutes 😂 "a bishop and pawn and a pawn and bishop and a knight and a pawn and a pawn and a pawn"

    In this position Levi scaficed…HIS BRAINSELLS

    Levy, do a game report video where you guess which moves are blunders, inaccuracies and stuff then compare with the engine afterwards. Would be great! For not so low rated game cuz the blunders will be too much to bear😂

    "It's not called GothamCheckers" – gothamcheckers

    I wish my 900 rated opponents would play like this

    someone has to make a video of "levy got bars" and just him rapping the pawn, knight and bishop moments

    15:57 Yes i'm from outside of America, in the normal world cars don't exist, outside of America everyone ride bicycle, its true. What's a car anyway ?

    As a game review, i can confirm that i reviewed it as 62 mistakes and 75 blunders

    As a 1 elo player, I can cofirm Fischer is not Bobby

    Levy makes me almost wanna get better at chess. But I managed to stop myself. I still treasure my sanity and mental health (or whatever that's left of them) to not surrender the rest of it all to chess

    Bro you are funny as f…keep it up man really love your videos

    I swear the 900s I play are way better than this 😂

    Gotham chess please make a review in my game ID jeetopchess2011🙏

    Gotham chess please make a review in my game ID jeetopchess2011🙏

    Gotham chess please make a review in my game ID jeetopchess2011🙏

    This is not 900 elo
    The game is like 350-450 elo

    Gotham chess please make a review in my game ID jeetopchess2011🙏

    Gotham chess please make a review in my game ID jeetopchess2011🙏

    Gotham chess please make a review in my game ID jeetopchess2011🙏

    I got 27 blunders in a game (I set it up I am really 1300 ELO

    We really need a low level elo player analysing these kind off games, and actually completely agreeing with the moves they make
    „Knight takes F5, ah I see threatening the queen makes sense.."
    „Oh, it got taken by a pawn, yeaah that was hard to spot…"

    Nah daily is 1 day for the whole game. I accidentally got in a daily somehow, didn’t even finish it just randomly remembered, came back and made some 1 second move

    19:19 … Based and Epic… THE ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!! Never gets old, man!!

    Vely! Thabk uou again for the video . And once again, thank uou

    13:17 There was so much clutter that even YouTube decided to give up

    1080p -> 240p 🙂

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