1 Hour Beginner Chess Lesson with TierZoo

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GothamChess gives a lesson on openings, middlegame strategy, and endgame conversion to @TierZoo.

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%1$ Comments752

    Thank you for the lesson it was very helpful for my son and hes like a pro at chess now at chess y’all have a good day god bless

    Hey man , your content is really awesome, wish i could donate but sadly i am too young

    Well that C C A thought is working out pretty well for me thanks 👊🏼

    Gotham's face lit up when he saw an opportunity to play fried liver

    I would have blundered 12 times in the endgame even while being so far ahead

    This is like the biggest unexpected crossover

    Make a video for between intermediate and advanced players please

    Xcellent video.. Never seen something like before… Simply loved it!

    Who said that guy is 800. He is definitely 1000 or more

    I always learned that the knight was 3 points and the bishop was 3.5 because it was slightly better

    If you have a massive 300 ELO like me, then bishops are trash that can be blocked by a pawn, but knights attack my fellow 300 ELO opponents' blind spots, and I get to fork them.

    The astonishing brass immuhistochemically coil because chill utrastructurally moor excluding a insidious china. royal, yellow seed

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    Man 26:24 he could've sacked the queen and came out up a piece or at least gotten rid of the threat. Qxd4. If captured, Ne4+ with a fork. It could also ruin blacks pawn structure.

    "Ive never seen anyone pull their king out"
    Yes its called 0 rated king aggression

    15:09 queen movement would be more beneficial?! why isnt best move weith queen e3 to kill the horse if it gets u in danger and u still can keep up with the attack and he cant check u cuz u defend the king so this is 2 moves faster maybe is the right way im thinking hope for answers chesspros out there x)

    This was an awesome lesson to watch. I imagineTierZoo would've gained so much from it. I know I did.
    Please keep up the awesome content.

    Excuse me. What even is this cross over? Never expected these two on the same video.

    this was so helpful as I'm trying to break 900 rn

    this is so incredible, thank you! I've never really enjoyed watching chess until this 🙂

    You got to spend an HOUR with a grand master? Nice

    I’m rated 400 🙁 I’m so bad. Hope I can get better, I just need to watch more vids like these and keep practicing

    Im beginner and this video are useful for me

    Gotham your probably the only chess streamer who gets 10k daily lol

    Great video. A lot of good advice. I'll remember "Check, Capture, Attack" for a while I think. Eager to try it out.

    26:12 Qb7, black rook escapes, knight e4 forks king and the queen? (If we didnt castle)

    The better move could be kd5 at 16:06 time.. U get their queen. Once they take ur queen, u can remove the pawn and give a check to the king and remove the rook.. Why is this a bad move.. Can anyone explain?

    I started playing like a month ago and I feel like Im more knowledgable than this guy and yet I have pretty heavy executive dysfunction so after doing a shitton of good moves I just miss a fork and lose a queen or sth… so Im 550 :p. I mean I'm climbing from the first low of like 350 and doing it in increments of like 7 or 8 constantly is annoying.

    9:32 wouldn't it actually be a good play? Bishop takec c6, pwan takes, queen takes and now black loses the rook?

    @9:13 Dont think Qxd5 is "completely fine". While materials are the same value per se, their positions also affect the value as well.

    1 question, in the beggining game when we take a trade of knight for bishop we go queen f3 and force the queen to move back to original square,ie queen d8 and then knight takes f7 with a fork

    It even blocks the queens attack on the rook

    It’s really sad when u play after watching this video and then nothing as shown happens😭

    35:00 what about bishop g3 and then taking the knight d4 with the queen?

    Some people are just naturally good teachers.

    Omg that was just so helpful 😅😅👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

    man, this video is so well done. Thanks for taking the time to make it for noobs like me

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