10 Things You Should NEVER Do In Chess Tournaments

These are 10 things you should avoid doing at chess tournaments!! Hope this inspires you to play more tournaments 🙂 let me know in the comments any other points you think I should add to this list!

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00:00-1:39 Know the basics
1:39-4:26 Don’t distract
4:26-5:16 Don’t talk to friends
5:16-6:28 Don’t stand up on your turn
6:28-7:47 Don’t offer too many draws
7:47-8:40 Poker face
8:40-10:12 Touch move
10:12-11:07 Illegal moves
11:07-11:57 Bonus Point
11:57-12:50 Always shake hands
12:50-14:00 Check tournament rules

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%1$ Comments585

    And NEVER flirt with your opponent, no matter how cute she is or how much you enjoy her chess videos.

    i don t know if it s a chess rule that after a move is played you must first write down the move and then hit the clock or it doesn t matter i m saying that because logic tells me that after the move is played i get 30 seconds and that s the time i was given to write down the move

    So basically, you’re saying people don’t shut the f*** up enough at chess tournaments?! 🤣🤣🤣

    I'm playing chess on an app……and I can't beat medium level. Its pissing me off because I think I'm being ultra clever but It beats me. I think it's you in disguise.

    one more point in certain situation you can claim book draw. Let say your opponent has h pawn and a wrong colored bishop and you only have a king and the king is one the correct square you don't have to play it out and lose on time. Just call the arbiter and claim book draw. But I have seen players play out King rook vs King rook and the other person lost on time after being offered draw.

    Does anyone here remember 3 dimensional chess ? It was all the rage many years ago when I was living in Oxford . Where there were three glass square plates one on top of the other with a space in between . Each glass plate had squares marked out like a chess board. And each game interacted with the other two.

    Thank you, i will go to my first tournament next month 😊

    I'm going to my first tournament this weekend. I'm so excited!

    Draw offers should take the form of a token players keep by the board, perhaps one side blank and the other reading "DRAW?". It starts blank side up for both players, and at any point any player may flip their own token over to the "DRAW?" side. If both players do so, the game is an agreed draw. If only one does, it just stays that way unless/until the opponent follows suit or the game ends some other way. Tokens may NOT be flipped back over to the blank side during a game – if you offer a draw, no takebacks, even if you turn the game around (and the opponent has every right to flip theirs and call the game drawn at will should this happen – it's your own fault). This will prevent casually and/or repeatedly calling for draws: you can only do it once per game, but also only need to do it once, and can't renege once you do.

    genuine question tho what if your playing someone who doesn't recognise they're in check so try to make an illegal move? Would you explain why they can't???

    Clock Question: Can you stop the clock to call for an Arbiter? (If you're opponent makes an illegal move, like your castle example, does an arbiter need to get involved, or do you just work it out between the 2 players)

    I'm an old hippy guy who loves tie-dye shirts. Probably
    shoulda not worn this highly
    bright shirt that kinda strobes under the light. So this kid 7 or 8 yrs old, comes
    running up to me prior to the
    tournament screaming
    "DISTRACTOR FACTOR!!" and keeps saying it outside.
    He did it with the same intensity actors from old movies who say "MURDERER!!" i think he believed I was going to get
    bounced. Didn't happen!

    "don"t leave the board when it's your move."
    you do follow the current world championships, don't you? (just pulling your leg…)

    I take it if someone is offering me a draw it's becasuse they believe I am winning so I always reject I tend to never offer draws myself because i'd rather find the natural conclusion lose , draw or win.

    my friend always look at my eyes when we play over the board, because when i see there is a tactic, i just stare at it a lot, i need to stop doing that ahah!

    That skin cream may be great on dark rings under your eyes, but not streaming until 5am would be even better! 😉

    Why are the chess personalities all doing this bullshit product promotion? Disgraceful prostitution

    one point more: set up the board correct. It shouldn't be difficult a1 to h8 is black diagonal. I have seen players set up the board wrong and after 5 moves they had to complete the game with wrong color chess board. extremely annoying to look at a board set up wrong. Beginners and non chess players don't understand that the colors of chesboard matters and cannot tell with a split second that a board is set up wrong. But I wonder why it could happen two 1600 rated players.
    and if you win don't make a victory dance like in tennis or any sport that would be consindered bad manners.

    Thank you, I'm preparing for my first tournament and that's some valuable information. I thought I had to say 'check' every time, now I will only be ashamed by my blunders.

    I had an opponent at a turrny who kept singing. I looked at him and said "would you shut the hell up!" That was a bad idea.

    Thank you very much , tomorrow is my first otb tournament, you're very helpful:)))

    10 mistakes to avoid in order to get a date with a cute chess opponent.

    What's the deal with the extra queens next to the board? Seen this in tournament recap videos too.

    re distractions…twirling pen and/or captured pieces. I used to play live bridge, but I've played online only for so long, I've totally lost my poker face lol. I'd be one of those that would be like "why didn't you tell me I was in check?". I always thought it was a courtesy to your opponent.

    I think you should have mentioned laying down your king in order to signal resignation. It's an incredibly common trope in movies and TV, it's also quite common in amateur chess and as far as I know it is a big no-no and a faux pass in tournament play. (I have nevr played in an OTB tournament, but regularly follow livestreams of top-level classical tournaments)

    Speaking on the subject of resignation – what is the proper etiquette or doing that ? The only reason I can tell whether a draw or a resignation happen is by looking at the position and seeing that it's either a dead draw or a decisive advantage for one of the players, other than that it looks the same – the players shake hands and they stop the clock etc.

    In chess tournaments are you allowed to bring a whistle and blow it if you opponent makes an illegal move?

    Manners are interesting. In table foosball, there are some basic manners to have a good game. Have some kind of handshake before the game – maybe an actual one, maybe a fist bump, maybe toasting with a drink. After a goal, pick up the ball, push it towards the 5 of the opponent so they can catch it. They will ask if you're ready, you acknowledge you're ready. If they fumble the ball before asking if they are ready,give it back, allow them to take the ball in hand. Things like that to ensure a controlled, good game.

    And even if you play with people playing in the league who can and will utterly destroy you at the table, good manners make good impressions and good manners mean they will play with you more if they see you.

    Rule number 11. Don't distract your opponent if you're incredibly fit 😅

    What about making eye contact/ staring at your opponent?

    how about turning up like dina and botez like your on the catwalk

    you think they purposely smell to distract…?
    Please, if someone uses this as a tactic in OTB respond.

    isnt that a legit tactic…to smell bad? 😛

    Rule #1: If you hate rules, don't play chess

    Hello Anna, is that a DGT field size 2,17" chessboard with DGT timeless pieces 3,7" king high? I am searching for a new set and did a lot of research..but i am not sure wich one to choose. i prefer a fuller board. My current board is a 1,77" field size and kings high 3" and bottom 1,18". It looks great but i want a bigger board 🙂

    extra points: 1. don't be 30 minutes late to a chess game without telling anybody. You will lose. If you are white and your opponent doesn't show up you can start the clock and play e4 and make it blacks turn.
    2. set your mobile phone on mute. In denmark we have a rule if the mobile phone makes a noise you will lose the game instantly. I have seen players lose countless times because they got a call from a random person or a text message.

    Actually regarding the rule not to say check. It was the reason I won my first OTB game many years ago.
    A player from my club told me it was bad manners to say check during the game. So I checked my opponent without saying anything. My opponent picked up his queen and sayed checkmate to me. I pointed at my piece checking him and he had to use his queen to block the check. The player was very angry after the game and the arbiter had to show him the laws of FIDE because he did not believe I shouldn't say check.

    Regarding number 6 (and this is not good etiquette), but you can also lie with your reaction. If there's no tactic, but you react like you blundered and then show relief after they made their turn it's gonna drive them nuts and waste time. It's dirty, but it's fun.

    You also should never forget your vibrating beads at home when going to a tournament.

    Anna, what about adjusting pieces like Magnus does during the game ? What about the 'Touch Move' rule there ?

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