10 Things You Should NEVER Do In Chess Tournaments

These are 10 things you should avoid doing at chess tournaments!! Hope this inspires you to play more tournaments 🙂 let me know in the comments any other points you think I should add to this list!

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00:00-1:39 Know the basics
1:39-4:26 Don’t distract
4:26-5:16 Don’t talk to friends
5:16-6:28 Don’t stand up on your turn
6:28-7:47 Don’t offer too many draws
7:47-8:40 Poker face
8:40-10:12 Touch move
10:12-11:07 Illegal moves
11:07-11:57 Bonus Point
11:57-12:50 Always shake hands
12:50-14:00 Check tournament rules

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%1$ Comments585

    Wasn't there a short phrase in French you can say to touch pieces without moving? I forgot what it was, but I know it always triggers me when I'm playing over the board and the pieces are not staying perfectly central on their squares. I can't focus on the game when my eyes see such a mess. 😅

    I want to pay in a tournament… but am so terrified of the clock. I don't like time constraints and have never used one in live play.

    I’ll have to keep these in mind especially be quiet! Almost had a free queen one game but I tried to trick opponent into thinking I blundered so they’d fall for the trap instead it backfired. There’s a giant chess board outside people use maybe I’ll give that a go before looking for a local tournament I got my personal best I’m in the 600s now 🎉

    I wouldn't be embarrassed or feel like I was disrespecting the game if I didn't know what button to push to start the game. How would I know it's my first tournament? But now that I've heard it mentioned I'll be sure to look it up if I ever play one, which I doubt I will. I've known 'how to play' most of my 53yrs of life but I've never really studied the game an I'm sure would get clobbered at tournaments.

    My biggest chess win was when I was a freshman in highschool in 1984, I beat the captain of the chess squad that was a senior. He said the pieces were too small which I thought was an excuse at the time but as I've got older I understand it more. I make huge mistakes playing on my phone I'd never make on a board. He was a very big guy for a high schooler so maybe the small board did mess with him. I beat some other players on that team around that time, thought I was hot stuff😂.
    I know better now 😊

    1.What is the penalty for pressing the clock with your non move hand?
    2.What is the penalty for castling with two hands?
    3.Under what circumstances are you allowed to stop the clock to call for an arbiter?

    Are you alowed to not right down move if you are almost out of time?

    Are there scorecards in blitz time control?

    11. Do not cheat online.
    It's ok to not be good.
    It's ok to lose game.
    Chess is a noble game.
    Have respect.

    Is it ok to fist bump 🤜 🤛 instead of shaking hands?

    Am I allowed to say "oh no, my queen!", Eric Rosen style?

    one time i played a chess game in a tournament with my watches , in a position where i was winning the match , but my greedy opponent called the arbiter and he complainted the situaton , and the arbiter said it was against the rules , and i lost the match. 🙁

    So basically have common sense and be respectful? Much like Karate.

    What is the etiquette, if a player does an illegal move? How should it be addressed by the opponent?

    What happens under the touch rule, if you can't move that piece, for example if it exposes a check?

    Great video. While I have no immediate plans to play in a tournament, this is good info.

    I've heard that if you want to adjust (straighten) your pieces, you can do it as long as it's your turn and you tell your opponent before you do it. Is that right? Is it bad form to do so?

    Great tips Anna! I'm hoping to do my first chess tournament this year and now I can feel like I belong!

    So i put the clock on the board and push the middle button got it

    Very helpful. If I go to a chess tournament, I'm going to ask for help with the chess clock, say 'what's this for?' when presented with the scoresheet, say check every single time, and quiz the arbiter about en passant, specifically in order to look like a total beginner so my opponents will underestimate me. Chess is a game of bluff and misdirection, after all.

    Speaking of draws, the threefold-repetition rule can be a bit confusing in otb chess since there's a specific order of actions you need to follow, so make sure you learn that.

    Good thing I never play in tournaments 😊

    I disagree about a few things :

    Offering a draw against someone better – you do not need to prove anything on the board, you are currently doing it – if you believe your position is drawish, let the opponent try to win it, he can proves itself over the board

    Offering a draw in a lost position might be a sneaky way to save a game if you saw something but your opponent is low on time or stressed – sure doesn't look good but you're not here to do that

    Also, if you really need to pee on tour time, go pee on your time, sure the opponent will be suspicious but who cares : stay focused and play

    I'm actually signed up for my first ever tournament in November! So this is really helpful! 🙂

    A vital note regarding #1 is to feebly seize the tips of their fingers like this is the first time you've ever encountered a handshake. Alternatively go for a fistbump, and if they go for a fistbump too, you go for a handshake. Repeat until their soul leaves their body.

    It's funny, I played over the board chess for years before I started playing online, so things like "press the clock with the same hand" and "shake hands before you begin" are so obvious to me it's amazing that people wouldn't know that. But to someone who's only ever played online, it must be pretty alien.

    If your opponent makes an illegal move, what are you supposed to do?

    About the touch move rule….what happens if you would ''accidentally'' touch a piece that has no legal moves? how do you move forward, let's say if you're a beginner and forgot about the touch move rule?

    I laughed hard about the food, what is funny is when you play a kid that is like 10 years old 1800 and he pick up his apple juice and drink it like he was 3, happened to me often Lol.

    Oh my godd.. 0:45 was literally me a few weeks back..
    It was my first game in my first ever over the board the tournament (local and unrated) and I was playing against a rated player..
    It was so embarassing to ask how to start the clock😅. I also made the mistake of pressing the clock with my other hand.. (I was so stressed bc of losing position)
    The same game I switched hands for ONLY ONE MOVE IN THE MIDDLE and was flustered when the arbiter came back.. This ofc made me even more so and I made an illegal move with knight by placing it on the wrong square. But I won the game though

    I am just saying this because I want to thank you so much all the content you put out here as I am learning so much from you!❤

    thanks, I have my first tournament in a couple of weeks, so some things were pretty useful

    I’m not a chess player, nor I want to compete. But with your charisma and overall energy I sat down and listen the whole video ❤😊

    Anna, it should be a 15 minute time deduction in OTB for bad hygiene in order to distract your opponent. Thanks for the chess tips.

    I'd be using all those distraction techniques…I would not shower, eat chips while playing, and ask questions to myself so I don't get penalized for talking to my opponent. Thanks for the video.

    Do not take mescaline before the game. You will hear the chess pieces talk and they do not give good advice.

    about the poker face what about imitating the Nepo face after the blundered and lost the game ? i mean he was doing some pretty great faces.

    The #1 thing that I don't do in a chess tournament is win.

    +1 on the smelly people. Applies to every situation.

    All it takes is a shower gents, is 15 mins in water really that torturous to you?

    Train hard, stay clean, eat well

    #14 Do not stare at your opponent like a total creeper. You're welcome.

    No. 11: Don't take your 2 year old daughter to the tournament. :p

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