10 Things You Should NEVER Do In Chess Tournaments

These are 10 things you should avoid doing at chess tournaments!! Hope this inspires you to play more tournaments 🙂 let me know in the comments any other points you think I should add to this list!

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00:00-1:39 Know the basics
1:39-4:26 Don’t distract
4:26-5:16 Don’t talk to friends
5:16-6:28 Don’t stand up on your turn
6:28-7:47 Don’t offer too many draws
7:47-8:40 Poker face
8:40-10:12 Touch move
10:12-11:07 Illegal moves
11:07-11:57 Bonus Point
11:57-12:50 Always shake hands
12:50-14:00 Check tournament rules

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments585

    Can you explain the en passant rule one day?
    Is it legal in tournaments?
    I find not many are aware of it and my understanding is unclear.

    She’s a good looking woman.. very distracting during playing her at chess..just came across her content and it’s pretty cool. I don’t play chess because I suck 😂😂😂 but I enjoy the vids

    I am a new player I often forget my piece are under attack in order to give check

    how many elo do you need to be in a tournament though

    This was very interesting, despite the fact that playing in tournaments would not be something I would enjoy personally. To each his own.

    Ok but do I need to know how to play chess?

    Free deoderant at every tournament should be the norm hehe

    Point #4 may be an etiquette issue but it is not a rule issue. You can stand up at any time during the game, whether or not it is your turn. You can even walk around the room while your clock is running. It is not usually a good idea, but I can think of a situation where it can be useful. Say you have been low on time so you are blitzing out moves and you are approaching the 40th move when you will get more time on your clock. Taking a quick break after move 40 by standing up and walking around a little bit can snap you out of the blitz-mode mentality so that you do not unnecessarily move too fast.

    Going to the restroom while it's your turn, on the other hand, is suspicious. I wouldn't do that.

    what if your opponent fail to notice they're being checked. Can you take their king?

    Just remember, all these things are good rules, unless you're Bobby Fisher.
    If you're an eccentric genius, you can do whatever the hell you want.

    Nice video! Thank you for the tips. I'm not going to say "Check" anymore. Something interesting about the rules, they change. Years ago, when playing a tournament, the arbiter told me that when having less than 5 minutes I could stop taking notes of the moves, to avoid decreasing the match quality. I stopped playing tournaments, last year I played again a tournament and stopped taking notes when having less than 5 minutes, and my oponent called the arbiter. It was embarrassing the arbiter told me that I had to always take notes.

    Did you know players from New Zealand always do the haka before the matches?
    It’s fascinating

    Othe people : i love chess
    Anna : i love chais

    Rule number 11: never underestimate the cow opening!

    So playing with your captured pieces like poker players play with their chips is cool 🙃 🪙🪙🪙♟♟♟

    Nonsense on the non-announcement of check. I've played tournament chess on and off for 30 years and never heard this. I recently had a Q+Ps vs. Q+Ps endgame for about 30 moves with my opponent's unsheltered king receiving checks frequently. You bet I gave him a verbal "Check!" every time I could. If he wants to play on in an inferior position and not resign he is going to hear check when I say it.

    Because of touch move, you say “arrange” if you want to arrange your pieces before you touch them.

    In tournament Bridge, there are very similar rules.

    My opponent once took out a sandwich with fatty meat before the game and the meat dropped all over his fingers. He ate it very loudly and then gave me his hand covered in fatty meat. I will remember this forever, it was so disgusting. I don't need to say that the fatty meat was all over some pieces too that he touched. He really didn't care about that his hands were super dirty. After two hours he realized that his hands were dirty and he took out a handkerchief made out of fabric, rubbed the fatty meat onto the handkerchief and then SNEEZED into the handkerchief and touched all of this mess with his hands again. I don't need to say that this handkerchief was already used many times before. He then folded it perfectly and put it back in his trouser pocket, as dirty as it was.

    No 11: No phones and other devices are allowed to use while playing or in the tournament room.

    When I was like 12 I went to a chess tournament with my school and my opponent kept talking. Like not even just nice small talk he literally would constantly be like “good move” or “bad move” or “ don’t fall for my trap” and I would always raise my hand and tell one of the judges or whoever and they wouldn’t do anything. After telling them about 12 times of telling a judge they didn’t disqualify him so I resigned and then rematched him later and kicked his ass even through the shit talk so I got my get back

    My last chess tournament was in 1987, I was 7, they didn't tell me about any rules. I feel your pain about the body odour. Was it Chinese girls? Or Indians? LOL, I was in computer science, I know the feeling intimately.

    Thanks for the valuable info Anna. Could you make a vid to show us how could we go to our first tournament? How to start having an official ELO? For some it may seem obvious but for people like me who they have no one around them playing chess looks kinda tricky. I think just googling didn't make me feel confident about it😅

    What happens if I touch a piece that can't move?

    When 13 years Played a tournament 5 min
    If a 1 illegally move made u lose the game
    Thats was fun at that time

    Can you intimidate the opponent with a quick death stare?

    The "touch move" rule is why I'll never play any professional tournaments. I'm way too much of a physical focuser to not make this mistake, so I may fidget with a piece I might move, to help me focus. Although I'll never move a piece from its square unless I'm going to make the move. I have awful short term memory, and the fidgeting helps me come back to the game after going through potential outcomes of making certain moves.

    Most chess rules, I find, are there to help you be a kind and courteous opponent, and to look professional, but that rule's literally the only one I've heard that I feel was only added to fill out the chess rulebook. It's like someone looked at the rule; Letting go of a piece after moving it means your turn's over, and they thought "Let's make this rule redundant, by making a new one that's complete BS"

    yes glad you mention hygeine also and other thing of eating at board is bad etiquette should be done after or before game and if have to eat away from the board to not distract opponent.

    Fide Rules 1st illegal move is time penalty and 2nd one loss of game but in USCF it just ends up with time penalty every time and there is no limit in USCF just continuous time penalties for every illegal move according the 2022 rule book differnce.

    My tip: when the game ends, you are often tempted to talk about the game with your opponent as you finally allowed to. But BEFORE you do so, move away from the board to the hallway or cafeteria. Or any other such place. DO NOT distract other games with your passionate analysis. It happens all the time and it's by far the most annoying thing in tournaments. It's also against the rules so you would be scolded and possibly warned by the arbiter.

    Another one is to always make sure you hit your clock after you move because if you don't your opponent won't tell you and you'll just sit there losing time

    Is it just me she has a accent? Hot af too.

    She also forgot to mention the issues when promoting a pawn. What if you need an extra queen (4 queens on the board)? And also the repetition rules and how to react if your opponent made an impossible move.

    7:36 so, just because they are higher rated, they get to enjoy that privilege? It should be a right. This rule being unofficial is NOT an excuse.

    Once a friend of mine checked my king, didn't say anything, and I didn't notice. So after my move she just captured my king. Game over.

    I played in an era where the Chess clocks are two stop watches and Black press his side to start White's clock. There was no electronic clock never mind time increment in 1980 and 1990s.

    Instead of saying check, I usually just say hello

    I'm always impressed at what a fine person Anna is…if more people were like her, think of what this world would be like.

    Isn't smelling bad an advantage? You can't smell yourself but your opponent gets super distracted.

    But I can bypass the touch move rule by saying "j'adoube" before every single move, no?


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