10 Things You Should NEVER Do In Chess Tournaments

These are 10 things you should avoid doing at chess tournaments!! Hope this inspires you to play more tournaments 🙂 let me know in the comments any other points you think I should add to this list!

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00:00-1:39 Know the basics
1:39-4:26 Don’t distract
4:26-5:16 Don’t talk to friends
5:16-6:28 Don’t stand up on your turn
6:28-7:47 Don’t offer too many draws
7:47-8:40 Poker face
8:40-10:12 Touch move
10:12-11:07 Illegal moves
11:07-11:57 Bonus Point
11:57-12:50 Always shake hands
12:50-14:00 Check tournament rules

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%1$ Comments585

    Illegal moves are very confussing. I only played one tournement in my live and I had checked my opponent, he did not move his king, made an illegal move and I was completely confussed, because my plan was no longer working. It took me over 10 seconds to notice the illegal move.

    7:57 I once did an eric rosen thing, I "made a queen blunder" and had my head in my hands to really show my opponent I "blunderd" my queen and he took it and then it was checkmate in 2 after that, I was so happy afterwards.

    Rule no. 1 – if the girl looks hot like Anna, think all the wrong thoughts in your head. The defeat is worth it.

    Local tournaments. BYOE I would add to the list. When bringing your own equipment. Be sure it's not super flashy, shiny, and bright. Natural and black or ivory and black for pieces. Neutral colors for boards.

    When im playing over the board i always try to make as many random face expressions to confuse my opponent. -Art of War

    You make a move and say out loud "check mate". But just before you press the clock, it expires. Did you win or did you lose the match ?

    Anna is a pro! She knows how you should and shouldn't behave! Thanks for the tips!

    The no eat rule was a problem for me when my opponent pulled out an apple and bit – the crunch lost me 12 minutes of concentration…..:)

    Rule #11: If you and your opponent want to discuss the game after it's over, go to another room to do so. Even if you're whispering, your discussion is incredibly disruptive to players who haven't finished their games yet.

    You can touch a piece without having to move it, if you touch it with the aim of putting it in the middle of the square it is in. You announce this by saying 'J'adoube'*. You can only do this when it's your turn. This is also another exception to the 'don't talk' rule.
    * = 'I adjust' in French. The term is recognized worldwide however.

    Very kind of you to make this “for dummies” video, it’s super useful for us less experienced players — tack!

    Hey great inspiration from u Lot's of love from india thanks for this video i learnt vital information from u 💗

    I don't agree with points 3 and 4. You can talk to friends about the game but you can't help each other. Standing up when your clock is running is also something you can do but you waste your own time and it might look suspicious.

    Anna: When you're a beginner in online chess you probably won't face a master
    Me: *1355 Elo and faces an FM

    About not standing up during your move, is that an actual (unwritten) rule, or just what you prefer to do? I'm asking since it's the first time I've heard of this, although at the same time I haven't played in big tournaments, maybe the conduct is different there, especially since there aren't really suspicions that people would cheat at the level I'm playing at (stakes aren't too high and people know each other anyway).
    Also, something that I didn't see mentioned, if your phone rings, you lose the game. Whatever you do, make sure that there's no sound that can come from your phone (that is, if you're even allowed to have it with you), I have seen so many games being lost because of this.

    Anna, is it an illegal move in OTBC when you're in check and you don't notice, moving another piece first?

    Do well. And that stops you from having to boast about how great your relatives and your ancestors have done.

    How far can one go in claiming distraction when the opponent has some annoying tic that they might be only partially aware of? In asking this I'm recalling the middle-aged gentleman of respectable appearance (tweed jacket, swept-back hair, military moustache) who produced double sniffs, fortissimo, at regular intervals throughout the game, one or two of which became full-scale snuffles. I felt like pointedly offering him a couple of tissues.

    "No eats" surely has to include the chewing of gum. I had an opponent once who chomped loudly and relentlessly right through the game. Really gross, and distracting.

    This is why you should only play bullet games OTB, because none of these rules matter and all the pieces literally fly off the board 😂

    random, perhaps dumb, question: what happen with the 'touch move' rule if I touch a piece with no possible legal moves? If the answer is nothing, does it means that I can touch pieces without consequences as long as they are non-movable pieces in this turn?

    In prison it is important to point out when queen is threatened and to announce every check.

    Thanks, well done. I would think a top question would be what does one do when calling an arbiter, especially if time is short.

    Clock? Scoresheet? Never had any of that back in the day 🙂

    dont say check? wow! wonder why we are taught to say it

    How much time is added after an illegal move 😮

    Or yoou do it wrong and pretend being worse instead

    I play in tournaments and i am not a beginner. I actually think that saying "check" is what contributes to the spirit and what represents chess in general

    11. Drawing arrows on the board is generally frowned upon.

    1 gm moved his rook then put it back next move later he castled nobody caught it until he tried to play the game on a computer

    so not showering in 10 years is a battle strategy?

    I've never played in a tournament, I was a member of a chess club where we had matches against other clubs in our league. The team captain provided noisy snacks for us to distract our opponents. Not in tournaments I understand.

    The only three thing i keep in mind in a tournament
    1. Play to win
    2. If you cant win try to stalemate
    3. If you can't stalemate think about what your gonna do on your next game

    I have had most of these things happen to me at my first tournaments 😅these were experienced players as well, not just beginners… They would be talking during the game and commenting on their moves, eating by the board, offering a ton of draws when their position was already worse (they even ended up claiming I accepted the draw he offered at the end when I shook his hand, even though he had already flagged and was losing completely with a rook down). One of my opponents offered a draw when I was winning with 2 pawns up, I did accept it though after he asked for the second time because it was the last game of the tournament and we had already been playing for 6 hours or so 😂

    I am being turned into a stealth ninja I can feel it !!!

    When you compete in a tournament such as this, do they give you a copy of these rules, or are you expected to know them?

    the poker face I learned by myself after I lost a game by blundered my rook in endgame vs bishop… my opponent realized it only because of me

    what about the check mate.. are we not allowed to say checkmate too?

    Poker face is so true, In a game I played before, my opponent had mate in 5 and I played a move “confidently” that threatened mate in 1 but it was his move. He got nervous and offered a draw 🤝

    7:52 "have a poker face"
    Also Nepo: 🙁😒😆🤔🤨😑😮🧐😬

    Another thing not to do is ogle at beautiful chess champions like Anna that really gets her goat she’s a pleasant and upbeat personality that feels woman should be respected in the world of Chess

    These are all great tips if you want to be liked. Honestly, being well-mannered is archaic and not tactically advantageous. Go to a Magic the Gathering Pro Tour. Watch serious Hold'em tournaments. Serious gaming doesn't really care about manners. Hans Niemann is a great example. Didn't really acquire accolades by being nice.

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