10 Things You Should NEVER Do In Chess Tournaments

These are 10 things you should avoid doing at chess tournaments!! Hope this inspires you to play more tournaments 🙂 let me know in the comments any other points you think I should add to this list!

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00:00-1:39 Know the basics
1:39-4:26 Don’t distract
4:26-5:16 Don’t talk to friends
5:16-6:28 Don’t stand up on your turn
6:28-7:47 Don’t offer too many draws
7:47-8:40 Poker face
8:40-10:12 Touch move
10:12-11:07 Illegal moves
11:07-11:57 Bonus Point
11:57-12:50 Always shake hands
12:50-14:00 Check tournament rules

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%1$ Comments585

    The poker face works. My first game of my first tournament, I hung a knight in the opening. I saw it immediately but kept a good poker face and they missed it. I won that game

    what if i pretend that i made a bad move? is it disrespectful?

    And don't forget, if you roll a double six, you get to go again.

    1) don't hang your queen
    2) don't hang your right rooks
    3) don't hang your right knights
    4) don't hang your right bishop
    5) don't hang your left rooks
    6) don't hang your left knights
    7) don't hang your left bishop
    8) don't hang your pawns
    9) don't hang mate in one
    10) A draw is better than a loss

    Number 1 on the list, don't play Anna 💯

    my chess teacher always told me to tell Check when I checked opponents king… I dont know why, but overall he learned me a lot

    Rule 2. So no shirt unbuttoned and enough gold to make MrT envious?? Women wearing revealing clothes?

    I've just played in a tournament yesterday, and looked like an absolute bufoon on my first game. I didn't even know what to do after I got checkmated. I've just kinda sit there not knowing what to do.

    I once played an opponent who had a winning position but I managed to beat him. He got mad after the game and left without arranging the pieces.

    This is boring. If I want to spend some hours playing a game, off course I will get many chocolates, Coca-cola and make a lot of faces. I probably wont' win, but I will have some fun.

    You should calculate the critical lines and NOT think about what you will eat at dinner.

    11) Don't bang the clock
    12) Write only relevant datas to your scoresheet such as moves, draw proposals, clock remaining time (extragood for students, you can retrace your thinking time)
    13) Analyse quickly the game in a separate room with your opponent, mainly to check if you've written correctly the moves.

    reminds me of my first tournament, i was really nervous and i couldn't really resonate with the time control of 1:30h so i was just blitzing out moves, and i even pressed the clock without making a move once

    I can’t find any local tournaments, what do I do

    I think you forgot, no kicking your opponent under the table especially when it's not your turn.

    Do you have to write the moves in a blitz/rapid OTB game?

    You said a lot about draws but you never explained the most important thing: how to offer a draw. In my experience, many, if not the majority of, tournament players do not know the correct procedure. The procedure is 1. Make a move. 2. Offer a draw. 3. Punch your clock. (2 and 3 can be simultaneous). As this indicates, it is never appropriate to offer a draw while it is not your move (this should be obvious as you are distracting the opponent while their clock is running). I have had many offer draws while it is my move, or while it is their move but before making a move.

    Please next video: 10 things you should do in chess tournaments to gain advange by doing things you should never do

    Had an expert rated player stare me in the eyes whenever it was my move. I not sure if this is taboo or not but I felt it was poor sportsmanship.

    Looking like I don't know what I am doing is my competitive edge!

    I wish the 1st 50 seconds were made before my first tournament last summer. haha. I WAS that guy.

    What happens when you give check to your opponent king and he didn't realise its check what should you do ?

    I played in some OTB Swedish tournaments and matches in the 90:s, interesting that now you're not supposed to get up from the board on your own time, there was no such norm back then, I guess it's because of engine cheating as club player level tournaments can't have the same level of security as the elite. Also the normal was to say "check", except perhaps in a very long series of checks like in some Q endgames, our coach only pointed out you didn't legally have to. In any OTB game including café play the touch move rule was observed then, but if you obviously were just correcting pieces your opponent of course wouldn't insist if you didn't say "j'adoube" or the like.
    Also something some people get wrong, it IS allowed to pick up a piece, move it to one square, then change your mind and put it on another square, as long as your hand doesn't release the grip. There was a famous controversy about that in a game between Kasparov and Judith Polgar.

    I was practicing the phrase „Oh no my Queen“ and now you tell me I‘m not allowed to say this to my opponent?

    Hahahaha!🤣🤣🤣🤣 First you should know the chess properly…🥱😏
    Clock have to in the right side of the black piece😆 not in the left…😶
    *Then teach👻 us😎🤏

    he used his smell to distract the woman, good job buddy

    bro she is playing chess since the age of 2 and she only is wfm bruh

    The one thing that you shouldn't do in a tournament is losing.

    I thought that the most important rule of chess was to not stab anybody with the sharp pieces. I always say that chess, along with golf, is the most dangerous sport in the world!

    I think you forgot to mention when to offer a draw. This is done on your move time before you make the move.

    Bonus time: an important point about time controls: Knowing on what move you get the bonus time. Typically this is on move 40, (e.g. + 30 minutes) but it depends on the tournament. One thing thats confused me is that this bonus time doesn't automatically get added to your clock time at move 40. It happens AFTER the displayed time runs out. So a couple times i was moving quickly because i forgot about this. Tbh its stupid. The chess clock makers ought to make the clocks add this time at the time control move. They are digital and programmable after all.

    if you need to go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom. You have plenty of time for a classical game and it shouldn't be due to a full bladder that you lose a game. generally ofcourse you'd go before the game, but we're all human.

    have a poker face (thinks about Nepo)

    What if the opponent didn't see the check

    What's the official way to resign? Just say, "I resign" and shake hands"?
    Or if a draw is accepted, just say "OK, draw" and shake hands?

    "Poker face when having done a mistake": I also have seen another misbehaviour one time at a tournament. A player put his bishop to an attacked square. It looked like a blunder move, but it was a trap. The bishop could not be captured, otherwise a checkmate in four moves would follow. Now immediately after moving the bishop, the player made a gasp and showed a terrified face, as if he would now regret the "blunder move". So his opponent believed the situation and did not care for the trap, and captured the bishop …

    If you have a runny nose, please bring some tissues or a handkerchief with you to blow your nose rather than loudly sniffle at the board for several hours – parents, please give your children some tissues if they have a runny nose. 🙏

    I don't get the stand up on your turn thing. I mean let's say I want to go to the bathroom and the other guy is playing. If I go to the bathroom I will only see his move after I return while the clock is running against me vs. the clock obviously running against me when it's my turn as well, but at least I already know the move the other guy has made and can make more concrete plans. Generally speaking many pro players are walking around or thinking both when it's their turn or the opponents turn, so honestly I think caring about this is a bit weird.

    Another vital tip if ur watching someone's game don't stand behind the player.

    You feel that smell for a really really long time! 😂😂😂

    "You might have seen a lot of videos online, where people are trash talking and trying to get their opponent as uncomfortable as possible …"
    Where do you think I might have seen those videos?

    In go, sweeping the pieces from the board is jokingly referred to as the "nuclear tesuji".

    Let's see if I've got these chess rules right. 1) The board should be orientated so the right corner is white. 2) The same hand must be used make the move and operate the clock, it doesn't have to be same hand for each move, just the hand that makes the move must operate the clock. 3) Castling: It can't be done to get out of check, put king into check, king passes through check, the king or the rook to be used has been moved previously.

    Yesterday I hat a Game in one turnament: The opponent of the player next to again and again was sneeze and in total he was catching a cold oder Corona-Virus. I don`t know, bus was completele disturbed obout that. No matter if Corona or not, it is inconsiderate.

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