12 Chess Tips to Dominate Your Next Game



Welcome to Episode 14 of this “Book Club” series where we are currently going through the book: Logical Chess – Move by Move by Irving Chernev

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%1$ Comments85

    Rubinstein French works barely in Professional chess, but for Club Level IT IS really solid.
    Most White Players dont know theory or like these kinds of positions in the main lines.
    Play can get positional and slow really quickly.
    Not, what White wanted.
    But not playing theory as black is a road to q quick loss.

    Cool game. Looking forward to seeing some Budapest content! The A rook sometimes gets lifted to h3 and wins the game.

    18:13 I think somebody chess players say some time: Silent moves is much more dangerous than a check move

    Question: after Qf3 you cannot play Bb2, but what about Nd5 blocking the queen off? It looks very natural

    Brilliant game, with excellent explanation!

    Nelson! You forgot to assign us homework! Loving this series so far.

    Thank you Nelson for giving an ideal book in your channel yet I'm trying to catch up. Can I also be pinned for no reason?

    The Game was nice.
    But why don't you answer my questions? :'(

    Can't white go Rg3+ and then go c3 anyway in the end because if Qe5 then just f4 and the same idea is in place.

    How to increase intelligence? I'm too mediocre

    What if white goes Rh3 instead of c3?
    Like does it change anything? The queen is still forced to guard the diagonal or its the same checkmate.

    Im not good… im 1800… i was 100 in january of this year… i watch allot of youtube and i play openings players in the lower range struggle against… thats only why im 1800… but i got every move right in this posistion😂 im soo suprised😂😂

    10:36 But black can play C6 and after Bb7 they play b5 and the Bishop is trapped.😏
    Should White be up an extra Pawn with a desperado?☝🏻

    10:36 But black can play C6 and after Bb7 they play b5 and the Bishop is trapped.
    Should White be up an extra Pawn with a desperado?

    At the end after…Qg7, Rg3 Qxg3, fxg3 for example black is down a queen for a rook. For sure the black King is exposed but is there no way to hide Kh8 and bring the passive rooks on the g file and keep playing?

    This is my favourite game of the series so far. Qf3, Qh6, c3 all really nice, subtle but powerful moves.

    Noted. Tip 13: Never ever play the French.

    21:15 So would Black's last hope be to play Qxe3? At least there's some comp for the Queen and they have a little time.

    7:26 Qf3? I can't find the following but I got a feeling thats the best move even though black can pin the knight by going Bb7.(yup stockfish agrees) (oh Nxe7 is a check)
    9:32 we want to get raid of that knight so Bg5 (interesting stockfish thinks Qg3 is the best move and Re1 and Rd1 is the second best move)
    12:49 sacrifice the rook with Re4, the knight can't take because after Bxe4, wait nvm black have f5. hang on a second, stockfish said c5 is better than Rfe8 by 0.1 advantage? and h6 is the best? huh? ok I quit trying to understand what stockfish is thinking
    14:14 obviously sac the dark-square bishop
    14:46 put more pressure on the knight by playing Qh4
    15:38 huh? ok you are confusing me. I think its Bxf6 because you win a knight
    16:12 obviously Bxf6. (or not)
    17:08 I think its Bxf6 since the queen is no longer protecting the knight, you can double their pawn. Hope it is not going to be like the last line.
    17:27 Qh6 (might have accidently glance at stockfish for 0.5s and I saw it) though I probably SOMETIMES can find it in my games.
    19:00 If f5 blocking the bishop then white play Re3 threatening Rg3+, Kh8 then Qg7#
    20:25 ………………………………………………………………………. (after 3min of thinking) I can't find it:(
    20:31 huh? Rg3+ is the best move? (+6.0 for white and c3 is only +3.6)

    Yes Logical Chess series returns tonight!! ‼️‼️

    How should an 1800 Player improve to reach 2000+ and so on…? Please tell

    Love watching ur videos mr Nelson, keep it up😎😎

    I didn’t find the move. I did look at Qh6 and then rook lift but I thought black have f5 and Qf8 and even if I can give a check my queen is still hanging after king move and I can’t take black queen because the rook also protected it. Had I not abandon the idea and look ahead just one more move I’d realized I have Qf6 mate in 2. I guess I just click on the answer to fast.

    I found C3 in a second with the same explanation going on in my mind😂

    love this series, keep going, great job, thanks

    Queen to G7 and then Queen to G6 prevents having to forfeit. Still in a bad position but you can play it out from there.

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