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18:55 wasn't expecting THE ROOOOOOK!!!
Menn, Bishop A1 laserbeaming the whole fields reminds me of Alpha Zero destroying Stockfish
9:20 I'll do it for free !
bro really asked how much would it take for him to play the best move by stockfish…
19:10 Bf6 is mate though
Wow well done
19:12 is just M1 if you take with the bishop why would you take with the queen
When he said, Thhheee Roookkkk!!!!
Am i the only one who actually expected 14 brilliant moves 🤔
What a clickbait. Best move of stockfish from now is brilliant move. So basically everyone who play e4 (not me) get atleast 1 brilliant move in their game? (Joking aside great game! Levi)
Levy is the best chess YouTuber ever
19:12 would it also be mate if bishop took knight?
Awesome chess, GGs
Sweet. Self-Pat is more than allowed here. Great game
Levy is so annoying idk how anyone above the age of 15 could ever watch him
You guessed it he sacrificed the ROOK
GG ! smashing display ! Rb5 ! easy to miss these moves.
This taught me that Levy started clickbating us again
When @GothamChess analyzes classical games from top players, he makes 5 games in 20 mins. when it is about his own blitz game he needs 20 min for one game. haha
Hi GothamChess, I would love one of your books. 🙂 Thanks for all the content
guy played against Nxh6 the day before
now he wins with Nxh6#
Your book drops a day before my bday! 😊
I am amazed that your head still fits on the screen.
$20 if breakfast and coffee in nyc, but okays
[Event "AI Factory's Chess"]
[Site "Android Device"]
[Date "2023.09.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "You"]
[Black "Cpu (12)"]
[PlyCount "45"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. Nc3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. e4 e6 4. e5 Nf6d7 5. Nf3 c5
6. Be3 Nc6 7. a3 Be7 8. h3 cxd4 9. Bxd4 b6 10. Be2 a6
11. Kf1 O-O 12. Bd3 Qc7 13. h4 Nxd4 14. Bxh7+ Kxh7 15. Ng5+ Kg8
16. Qh5 Bxg5 17. hxg5 f5 18. g6 Qc4+ 19. Kg1 Ne2+ 20. Nxe2 Qh4
21. Rxh4 Nxe5 22. Qh8+ 1-0
I went to the game you played, I checked the game review, not even one brilliant move😭😭
16:18 queen to g4 is it a good move at this position
Gotham is slowly descending into magnus carlsen level of skill. may be even defeating him . Gotham is "him" in this video
Da roooook!!!!!!!
19:12 – isn't checkmate if Bxf6? Am I missing something?
I got to1600 by watching levy🎉 I used to be an 1800😅
It must be so cool to earn money by clickbait tactics
I think you played this game after Guess the Elo Levy edition. 😂 but it was fun
This is even more brilliant than magnus carlsen
grandmaster mindset
so smart
18:50 Levi: "That's right, the best move in this position of course"
Me: "to sacrifice THE ROOOOOK"
Levi: 18:55
I swear to god, I almost fell off my couch
New Chess bot is here "Gothamfish"
6:11 this my develop position in 15 seconds … i took about 3 minutes to develop my pieces and my queen is under attack in the 6 rank and my king is on the middle of the board.
Levy is soo innocent
didnt he just miss mate in 1 with bishop f6 at 19:11
When someone else plays top computer moves in a row they are cheater, but when Gotham does it it's a proud moment.
Nah top computer moves, levy used a chess engine to cheat
There was no any brilliant move in this game just he prank us..😮
if levy was a pokemon, his special ability would be sacrifice THE ROOK
i loved the part where he made 14 brilliant moves
great game tho