35 Vital Chess Principles | Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame Principles – Chess Strategy and Ideas

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About This Video:

Clear and easy to follow, WITH EXAMPLES – the top 35 chess principles that EVERY chess player needs to know. These chess principles cover the opening, middlegame and endgame. Chess opening principles are crucial to help you get off to a good start. Chess middlegame principles are vital throughout the game. Chess endgame principles are important to finish off the game properly. These chess principles will take your chess strategy to the next level. These chess concepts and ideas are crucial to how to improve at chess. One of the best ways to improve your chess strategy, is to learn these important chess principles. These chess strategies will help your chess rating grow very rapidly. These chess principles are beneficial to beginners, intermediate chess players and advanced chess players as well. There are some beginner chess principles, some intermediate chess principles, and some advanced chess principles.

%1$ Comments672

    i think the last tip is not checkmate
    black pawn can take your knight

    Great video bro ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œ

    Thank you!!!! Exactly what I need as Iโ€™m just getting into chess

    Really greatest video ever for an emerging player๐Ÿ™Œ

    Why in rule #34 black pawn can't just beat white's knight eliminating check?

    Thank you, that helped me improving my game instantly!

    #35 is literally just "yeah but chess is whack sometimes"๐Ÿ˜‚

    I've been digging through plenty of chess videos. Their advice: memorize openings and these dozen specific moves are bad. This video however feels like not how pieces can move but how you should move them and use them.

    Don't play hope game
    Always look for a better move

    What is this beautiful chessboard app called? Thanks!

    Thanks for the tips, I can now crush my 8 year old son who has been talking smack for months.

    I love him! He is master and truly chess genius

    This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much

    Bishop tip: when in the endgame, keep a king on an opposite colored square as the bishop, it is also wise to protect said king with a pawn.

    For how long chess has been out and still hasn't been mastered yet

    I have a chess rating of around 1200, and I have never won against an opponent with a higher chess rating than me, including bots. I don't know what's wrong.

    My elaborate notes

    General principles
    Look for a better move when you see a good move
    Know the right times when to ignore chess principles (so basically know why you use the principles)

    Control the center
    Go for kings safety
    Develop pieces, first knight, then bisschop, queen not immediately because you may have to move your queen and you miss out on the chance to develop other pieces
    Develop pieces on side you want to castle
    When developing your pieces, donโ€™t move already developed pieces if possible
    after you have castled and you have developed your pieces โ†’ connecting rooks is powerful

    Middle Game
    Put rooks on open files or half open files (half open file is file with one pawn)
    knights have more options in the centre
    Avoid double pawns (two pawns on the same file)
    Avoid isolated pawns (if no pawn is next to his file)
    Avoid backward pawns (pawns that have no protection from side pawns)
    Donโ€™t trade bishop for knight without good reason
    Avoid moving pawns in front of castled king
    Donโ€™t open up the center if your king is still centered (because your king can get exposed)
    2 minor pieces are better than rook and pawn
    3 minor pieces are better than queen
    Rook is strong on 7th rank
    Double rook on open file is strong (e.g., can prevent opponent from placing rook on open file)
    Bishops are better in an open game, knights are better in closed game (closed game can be one with pawns that block bishop lines)
    Deal with a flank attack (from pawns) with a counter attack in the center
    Capture towards the center if you have the option to capture a piece with two pawns
    Attack the base pawn of a pawn chain (pawns that are protected by each other)
    Trade pieces to open up a cramped position (when pieces are blockaded and can not move)
    Opposite coloured bishops are dangerous in the middle game because you can not do anything with your bishops against his bishop. His bishop with his queen are particularly dangerous

    It is strong to protect passed pawn (= a pawn that could walk freely to 8th rank) with a backward rook
    2 connected passed pawn (= two passed pawns next to each other on the same rank) always beat a rook and one pawn gets a queen
    Knights are good to blockade passed pawns
    Trade pieces when you are up in material but donโ€™t trade pawns. E.g., if you are up 2 points in material with a rook against a knight, the rook becomes more valuable after you trade pieces because it can then capture pawns.
    – The opposite of that is also true, try to trade pawns when youโ€™re down material
    In endgame, opposite coloured bishops (without queen in the game) can easily result in draw

    0:47 "Control the center of the board." Fine, fine, fine. But what exactly — exactly — does "control" mean in this context?

    Do I control a square if I simply occupy it?
    Or is control a function of both current occupancy, and the number of pieces I have that could get to that square in a single move?
    Or is it more complex: for example, is the person controlling the center the one we reckon would have the strongest position in terms of the number, type, and positions of the pieces left standing after some notional 3 or 4-move central "skirmish"?
    Or what?

    The last, bonus principle is perhaps the most important – learning chess takes years. Don't rush, don't expect to beat stockfish after a week of learning castling.

    Fact : these principles don't apply to highly professional chess players

    It is commonly believed that a bishop is slightly stronger than a knight. I disagree. Well played knights are devastating both in attack and defense, in my experience.

    After playing 255+ games I learned many of these principles by making so many mistakes.๐Ÿ˜‰

    This is a fantastic chess tips video! thank-you! ๐Ÿ’ซ 8 )

    A queen sacrifice to double the opponents pawns is effective 96.7% of the time.

    I think the most important principle is to not make a move just on principle without knowing what your opponent's intentions are. A principled move might look good, but it might play right into your opponent's plan.

    Weirdly I knew all but 1 of these. Why am I still a 900!?

    Great video that I enjoy coming back to every once in a while to just refresh myself. 10/10

    Great video legend, Iโ€™m picking chess back up and this is a big help!

    At hope chess black playing f6 is bad sinve white can play Qxe5 forking the king and rook

    Thanks, this was nice and concise and helped reinforce some things I found from making progress lots of mistakes along the way

    Why take with the Rook? You can put the Rook on F1 which is the Best Move๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    ู…ุฑูŠู… ุขู„ ุนู„ูŠ says:

    ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ’” I started playing chess from a month and I tend to play hope chess lol, itโ€™s time to improve then
    Thank you for this valuable video

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