4 MOVE CHECKMATE: Best Chess Trap for Beginners (Wayward Queen)

Make sure you know this so you don’t get checkmated in 4 moves.
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%1$ Comments388

    No opponent gonna pull those moves
    Opponent will use horse to Target both queen and pawn then he will pull queen

    Thanks alot, this helped me beat alot of chess bots

    Can’t kings take queens?
    👇 who agrees with me? 👇

    if he move the queen first attack it in with a knight to attack the queen thats always i do if they do the scholars mate and my opponent did not take the pawn

    Qh5 nc6
    Bc4 there is mate throt. Nf6 attack the queen then there is mate but black can defend the mate while play not play Knight g6 then attack the queen and defend the mate

    Bro… When you fall for this your usually a low enough elo to not know what piece values are

    Never let them know your next move: after you move your queen to h5 the opponent moves his pawn to d6 😅😂

    So what happens when I get the rook 😂

    After h5 many opponents move their queen to f6 😢

    i avoid this by playing the pirc or kings indian

    First of all it isn’t the “wayward” it is scholarmate

    For the opponent if someone uses this attack all you need to do is instead of moving your night there, you can move it to H6 so then the queen can’t take that place otherwise the queen will be taken

    What if the opponent moved his pawn to g6 when you moved your white square bishop out … Your checkmate plan would've failed ! Right ?!?!

    Everyone gangsta until the king kills the queen

    everyone's gansgta until the queen do f7

    ⚠️HEY DON'T IGNORE THIS⚠️God loves you, turn to him today and Repent Your Sins And Believe That God Died For Your Sins.God Bless🙏🙏not Forcing,Advice

    Работает только на людей с elo 500 и ниже

    Learn kings indian defence to defend and punish this trick:)

    bruh i pulled that trick right after the video end and i pulled it on 2 diffrent bots instead they use a diffrent move instead it doesn't work

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