Good thing this opening is basically refuted after 2…Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 (most common) Nf6, with Black’s intention to potentially go Nd4 with a -9 advantage
Bro I watched this video and was like dang if only my opponent would play these moves. Then I immediately loaded onto the chess app and my opponent proceeded to get checkmated in the exact way shown on the video 😭
Nh6 defends f7 so Nh6 can still stop Qf7 checkmate.
In part 2 what we do if g7 moced to g6 attacking queen
someone tried this on me
This is the moves it starts with
Instead of kinight to h6 opponent will play pawn to g6 in 2nd last
Meanwhile I do the queens gambit and the London
Pov:you still do the scholar's mate
Even the amateur can do Schollars Mate
If he will play knight h6
The king can still swap spots with rook which is called castleling
Isnt this schollars mate
" Enemy Moves queen "
Years of academy was wasted
isnt this the scholar's mate
Good thing this opening is basically refuted after 2…Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 (most common) Nf6, with Black’s intention to potentially go Nd4 with a -9 advantage
And what if he takes out his bishop
Above like 900 elo this is called the "Disrespect Opening"
Yow i watch a video countering this a seconds ago
this is favorite chess opening ever like i literally checkmated 6 people using this method (im a chess beginner)
What if they go Quinn to e7 instead of knight to f6
Bruh this trap made me 700 elo in just a week LOL
Scholars mate
So Easy to defend
I tried this and the opponent used his pawn when I moved Bishop 🥲
Bro I watched this video and was like dang if only my opponent would play these moves. Then I immediately loaded onto the chess app and my opponent proceeded to get checkmated in the exact way shown on the video 😭
Just called the scholars mate
Scholar mate my guy
I rlly hate it when my opponent uses that opening
i have tried this i looked like a pro
Please game name??
Just did this, ty for the free checkmate
Queen can save the checkmate
What if the queen attacks our queen in this trick
You mean scholars mate
Bro nelson white I black in the game 1.e4 e5 2. Qg5 bc5 3. Qxe5+ Qe7 4. Qxg7 Qh4 5. Qxrg8 Qxf2+ 6. Kd1 Qxbf1#
or knight to f6 right after you move the queen..
What if he move the pawn after the knight in g2?
But my opponent will protect their king with bishop
in what universe is this sort of poor play….something beginners should emulate? Horrible.
When peaple play this against me I move nf6 they take the pawn and I defend they check with my queen
Black could play queen e7, that will cancel all white attack
Nelson supremacy
Goofy scholars mate
Its really cool which app is this
You don’t play knight to g6 after silly, you play pawn to g6
That’s four move checkmate BRO
Best opening trap against players under 8 or with less than a month of experience
Meanwhile the bots playing right knight against queen
Knight f6 after queen h5🗿🤏🏻