4 MOVE CHECKMATE: Best Chess Trap for Beginners (Wayward Queen)

Make sure you know this so you don’t get checkmated in 4 moves.
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    Everytime my opponent tries to pull this on me, I have aperfect counter for it and usually they blunder their queen.

    Scholars mate can be countered so easily, it’s not even funny. It does not work over 350 Elo.


    Freind is so bad at chess he is actually good if I tried this he wouldn’t even attack my queen he would just say “bruh” and move a random pawn or horse

    i did this to a master and he lost this is so good!

    I always see this against me and I always just attack queen with the knight since i dont really care about the pawn and they will blunder their queen soon anyway

    There are at least 5 different move for every move what these guys tell only covers 50%

    What if they play knight to F6 instead of the other knight? That happens most the time.

    My blitz and rapid ranking is above 500. This happens only in 200 level

    You just broughr me memories of when I was playing chess in elementary school at recess and whenever my opponent played pony to the rim, I'd capture it with my bishop to make my opponent have doubled pawns since I thought it was advantageous at the time and valued knight and bishop the same at 3 material points as I was told. I'd get so excited whenever I see that opportunity

    nah they fell for that trap mate cool trap

    I did this against the computer, i got the reverse checkmate

    Nah fam, this ain’t working on anyone above 300

    I was earlier victim of this move 😂😂😂

    Nf6 and Qe2 staring like 👁️👄👁️

    This opening is just worse than the bongcloud.

    What if opponent just moves the other knight first

    I acutally do this opening the most but sometimes they do nf3

    Everytime someone tried this opening against me and failed to perform it they just lost the game ☠️

    The best opening 💀💀💀. Theres literally more than a 1000000000000000000000000000000000
    Way to counter it 💀

    what should i move if after i move my bishop and my opponent move his queen to e7

    if you dont know much abt chess dont do this u will die

    i dont get it everytime i try king justs take queen

    What if in second case instead of f6 he put pawn g6

    Best move after Bc4 is….. Ofc Nh6 what else bruv

    I tried this and it worked out even better because my opponent moved his king to e7 and I beat him in 2 moves.

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