4 Tips For Attacking In Chess

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    There is another criterion that you didn't specify, but it came up twice in your analysis. That is: if you sac, can your opponent's Queen aid in defending her King, especially by directly opposing or interposing with your Queen? The threatened exchange of Queens will both neutralize most attacks and exposes the material disadvantage caused by the sac.

    What if he pushed his H pawn? I see this as a potential threat to opening the file for rook or attacking with a queen and bishop.
    But I am not really a chess player. Mr. Vibes didn't even mentioned that possibility, so this move might be trash somehow?

    At first i thought Be4 to put pressure on D5 but after Be3 there is nothing.
    I dislike the sac of the bishop, the knight sac looks fine, opening the H file often works for me

    You are a couple hundred higher points then me but I couldn't get through the first couple of minutes. Nonsense advice and nonsense hope chess sacrifice

    8:23 why would u recommend a terrible thing like that to 1200s players? lol

    2:33 en passant is a playable move and it was just like how said nelson if black takes the pawn then theres a discover check and white will win.
    Even though I'm just 1500 I can analyze it because of what I just learned to stockfishes game

    0:33 to be honest nelson, I was playing an international chess tournament and I sacrifice my bishop but stockfish says it was a blunder, good thing my opponent didn't take advantage of my blunder because he was so stressed about that sacrifice and he thinks for a while but eventually in the end I win in end game

    I'm scared af to sacrifice a piece if it is not fried liver attack case.

    Just got my first brillant move thanks to you

    Brilliant sacrifice move Nelson! ‼️

    I actually played a similar game yesterday. I sacrificed a bishop, which turned out to be a blunder, sacrificed a rook on the very next move and yet managed to checkmate my opponent in five moves. The problem was that I missed a checkmate in three because I got nervous. Fortunately, my opponent missed the only move that saves the game.
    That's an interesting concept, really. I much prefer a slow, methodical type of playing, attacking my opponent's weaknesses and creating a mating net. That said, if there's an opportunity to sacrifice my entire army for a quick checkmate, I might consider doing it.

    Not usually a hater but this position is a pretty bad example, the queen is all the way on the queenside. If it was on d1 then consider the sac by all means, but we can't justify a sac when we have to spend time getting the queen in.

    0:40 I was starting to wonder why he played Bxh7+. I wouldn't have. (There's no breakthrough.)

    8:31 I think it's more fun if you win.

    Its not bad if your not agaunst Stockfish πŸ˜‚

    Thanks , once again , Nelson , has given strong reasons to consider before a sacrifice & reduces " hope chess " , which I'm trying to cut down on 🫣 !! Also would love to see how Kristan is progressing !

    This is one of my favorite chess channels thanks! πŸ™‚

    Bottom line: when in doubt, sac a piece. πŸ˜‚

    Easy survival for opponents πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Thanks Teacher Nelson πŸ€˜πŸ‘

    As a Colle and London player, this is pure gold…

    I totally agree that black will probably do something in the next three moves πŸ˜‚

    It is only fun if it works or is sound. Whereas, if the bluff fails, one tends to look and feel like a complete idiot.

    I do love ridiculously aggressive sacrifices, so I guess I'm the exact demographic for this move.

    I would never play that because it's risky, I would just develop normally.😏
    And it's not boring for me.😎 The only reason why these normal positions can be boring is because we played a boring opening.πŸ€“

    Nelson thinks he's better than Eric Rosen by sacrificing his Bishop.😏
    Eric Rosen's reaction: Oh no! My Bishop!πŸ™ƒ

    I am just a noob but what if you sack Rh8 check king has to take than Qh5 check and then g6??? Can he stop it ?
    Re8 Kg8… okay πŸ˜…
    Wait and than bh7 what than???? Isn’t it like a force mate?? I think it is with Qf7 after Pxh6 and if not so Qg7 mate.. am I missing something???!!?!!!

    it shouldn't be called Greek sacrifice, but Greco sacrifice

    They was a great lesson. Thanks a lot Nelson!

    Even after g6 first there was mate. You just need to sacrifice the rook at h8 before Qh5 to deflect king and let queen come to h5 with check.

    Each time in your videos, after you've asked if we'd like to pause, and I do, I wonder how many actually did NOT have a chance to look at it.

    I'm rated 1600 and I wouldn't sacrifice in this position. But if you're in for a thrill, might give it a go

    I think that you should always play a move under the assumption that your opponent will play perfectly. But greek gift go brrrr

    Nelsi, you know that I remain one of your oldest ( in 2 ways) and greatest supporters, but this seems like poor calculation and hope chess,

    Finally some good content as per my liking. We are talking advance concepts

    Queen B3 to C2, nice diagonal behind the bisschop

    Your videos are exactly what I be looking for. Thanks

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