4 Tips For Attacking In Chess

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    This is a good example position and probably a good idea to sac, but i think you did a poor job explaining why. In order for this sac to be good you have to calculate at least "takes+ takes Ng5+ takes takes+ Kg8 g6". The advise to sac just because you have seen similar pattern before is terrible hopechess.

    6:00 threat is kE5 double check threatening, so knight must be captured, then sac rook h8 and queen H3 h7

    Hi Nelson, I would love a video on improving at faster time controls. I’m over 1400 rapid but I cannot seem to stay above 900 in blitz and I don’t even much bother with bullet because it basically feels like I’m makin random move

    There are too many defenders and g5 is blocked for a typicsl Ng5+ follow up and Qh5+ after. The queen doesn't even have a clear path there. Why on earth would you even considet Bxh7

    The bishop was attacking h7 and you give it away. The knight was the other piece attackingg that side and you give it away. All just to open the file for the rook? You have to do some moving aroubd to double the rooks and bring some more pieces. Unless the opponent makes one move and you make two moves, this is just bad strategic advice.

    Why can’t it just be called sacrificing instead of “sacking” dumbest term

    I really liked that video! It is an eye-opener, and something practical to use in our games! How about I review one of your courses, and mass promote it on Social Media? Please get back to mewith your e-mail address!

    In the middle of that sequence, the move I would have made was Ne6, forking the queen and the rook. And losing my knight to the bishop that was invisible to me for some reason.

    5:54 Qc2 is m2 or I miss something?Edit: lol didn't see that Kg6 can capture

    I feel like some people could have learned a lot more if you tried to show why it’s not a good sac instead of coping for 15 minutes straight

    Instead of making a video to try to prove it’s a good sac, try to prove it by winning the damn game

    Please insist more on why it’s a bad move instead of coping like that

    You telling the 1400 elo to go for this below mediocre sac here proves that you are a very bad teacher, not going to watch any of your videos in the future

    So much coping and such bad advice, def don’t do this at above even 600 elo

    Always good ideas here. (PS: I've found that "Sac" is short for "sacrifice." It wouldn't be "sack.")


    Why sacrifice the Bishop 1st instead of sacrafing the Knight 1st , which would make the Bishop pawn take safe with the Rook protecting it?

    9:18 into video … white moves Pawn to e6 in hope to take black’s Rook when in next move white’s Kt either moves to e6 or f7

    I just invest my 15 minutes i think its worth it🤔

    Ive won countless games on the variations of greek sacrifice and when i looked at this position i was like huh? You can take? then what knight? Pawn captures? Pawn recaptures? Nah there has to be some juncture where this isn't right by just refusing to take material like a beginner. I can also see a lateral move to the H file by queen. The pawn getting to g6. So im curious if this stuff will work. Im taking the bishop then playing defense

    Basically, that is a bluff move, similar to my rook sack. I sacked one rook which happened to be a bluff, it looked like I would be achieving a great attack but I didnt. My second rook sack and knight sack were brilliant moves that allowed me to checkmate my opponent with a casual queen manuevre.

    Actually sometimes, you can prepare a move (perhaps to block a king's escape)and if your opponent doesn't know what is happening and plays something else, you can play your next move and your opponent is stuck

    Best starting move for white is Kd1

    If someone wants to play along, here is the initial position: r1bq1rk1/ppp1b1pp/1nn2p2/3pP3/3P3P/1QNB1N2/PP3PP1/R1B1K2R w KQ – 0 1

    This is fine if you play chess just to entertain yourself while taking a dump. But professionally or you're aiming to get better at chess this is bad advise. There's a reason why chess players review their games. Just because you can get away with a blunder like this against lower rated players doesn't mean its good advise to keep doing the blunder. because against higher rated players chances are you're gonna lose, thats why its a blunder. then you're gonna go asking yourself why the hell am i not improving, its because you insist blunders are a good mood. i mean come on, the amount of blunders here from the opponent just to get the win is ridiculous for a normal game in Competitive chess. Its like Kasparov against kramnik where kasparov kept playing the same line just because he believe its unbelievable even though he kept loosing

    This is effective 3mins game but not on 10mins

    Your queen is misplaced.
    It opens file for your rook, but opens file for their rook and opens up their queen/bishop to assist.

    Meanwhile you give up two minor pieces and have a misplaced queen.

    No, it is not worth it.

    Fantastic stuff NL! I just checkmated opponents-twice- yesterday and I was going on the instinct that their was something there. You made me realize I need to go through the sources-including Logical Chess- to help me see these opportunities with more clarity. Thanks. You have an incredible gift for teaching this game. Bless you.

    I think it os important to mention the number of peices in play for g5. Black can attack with pawn, Bishop and queen, you have pawn, knight and bishop, and your turn right?

    Feels like watching a 1200 rated game, the opponent had to blunder 3 times to give you a chance of winning

    The best part about chess is getting the check mate imo. And worst part is getting checkmated by a child who looks bored.

    i would have taken the knight double fork and lost it lol

    I read about this the other day, I think the whole idea was called "hope chess"

    If black plays kg6 you can move Qh5. It black moved Kf5 you can move Nf7 with a discover check to take black queen

    Why not QueenC2 before Bishop taking on H7?

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