5 Common Mistakes BEGINNERS Make in Chess

5 mistakes you should avoid making in chess as a beginner! Let me know if you wanna see more videos like this πŸ™‚

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00:00-00:39 Intro
00:39-01:49 Mistake 1: Not moving your pieces
towards the centre
01:49-03:03 Mistake 2: Moving the same
piece twice
03:03-06:47 Mistake 3: Exchanging pieces
for no reason
06:47-08:32 Mistake 4: Not calculating
attackers & defenders
08:33-13:04 Mistake 5: Not using your
king in the endgame
13:04-13:39 Outro

#annacramling #chess #educational

%1$ Comments200

    A cool, I didnΒ΄t know that Zugzwang in english is zugzwang, too.

    Ana. this was helpful. Thanks for the content, specially for not making it so easy as to not want to finish. Thanks again. Stay the same as right now, spectacular without fakeness…( Whoop Whoop!!~) πŸ˜‰ L(love)rMainC(hessDiva)- Cramil, Chess diva Love

    It's sad, I know. But so many simps are upping their rating with one hand.

    sadly, I'm at the rating where I'm still called an absolute beginner but none of these things help anymore πŸ˜” good video!

    To be honest, I'm not sure if it'll help me become a GM. But listening to her and watching the arrows move back and forth is super relaxing. She's so sweet.

    Couldn't remember the name of this channel so I typed in, "hot chess girl."

    Thank you, I appreciate it.

    Excellent video. Well explained. Thank you

    I can't wait to play chess again now understanding better how to play. Thanks!


    Hey Jon, Claire and Ted! Thanks for the recent Fallout TV show content. Looking forward to the next Sim Settlements 2 video. Avant Medicins Sans Frontieres!

    Thank you. I’m a beginner and thought protecting the king was important than using him. It helped me a lot

    I'm in love with you!
    Damn…you are beautiful

    Respectfully, I suggest you listen a North Korean news broadcaster. They have an unusually loud, high pitched, strident voice that most westerners find irritating. When you talk in a normal volume and not from the top of your chest you have a very pleasant voice. Try using it more often.
    The topic was well covered and you got right to the point. You should have long career ifπŸ˜….

    Thank you so much Anna you have inspired me to start playing again but the computer is beating me most times and Im only at level 2 of 6 difficulty. Im sure these instructions will help me improve my game πŸ€ πŸ‘

    I have seen some of your mMother's games and your mother does the English opening. It doesn't control the four Center squares

    I know the basic tips. Yet i'm still really bad. What video do you recommend?

    why take her seriously when shes selling sex? no thx whore.

    Dude I really enjoy your content TY, pls do not leave the spanish canal

    @Anna Actualy i was a begginer but after this video and some other i saw now i am much better in chess right now πŸ™‚ Thanks

    Heck…I've been responsible for a heck of a lot more than five…

    i will only play chess if i am promised money.

    I love chess, but my problem is I have a hard time seeing past just a few moves these days. My memory isn't what it used to be.

    I like hour lessons.I made progress from 400 to 630. Do you offer online chess classes?

    It is women like Ms. Cramling who prove that women are truly equal to men and in many cases superior to men.

    The second time I watched this video is when I figured out what she was talking about.

    Anna Carmling, a lovely and beautiful young lady with a multi-million smile that makes cress more and more exciting! I enjoy watching her playing chess!

    What is the chess teaching software you're using called?

    Beautiful content and my game has only improved since subing to you.

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