8 Truly Remarkable Chess Puzzles

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%1$ Comments192

    That thumbnail is the chess equivalent of "ZAMN! SHE'S TWELVE!?"

    In the second puzzle I thought of moving the pawn instead of the Queen then Bishop takes pawn out and then black Checkmates with Queen

    1:47 You need to promote the pawn to a knight and play Nf7

    Edit: I got it correct lol

    I must admit that I subscribed to this channel mostly for mind-blowing puzzles like these. 😀

    That last puzzle was like the en passant of checkmates

    Nelson on number 7: nah im actually not gonna let you pause its too long
    Had me dead💀

    In puzzle 3, why wouldn’t white take the rook with the pawn after it captures the bishop?

    Actual position from a Giri vs. Lagrave game: White to play and win: 2K5/8/4k3/4P1pp/8/8/8/4R3 w – – 0 1
    (Rather obviously optimal play from black is assumed.)

    It's relatively easy for a GM level player, but really hard for even a medium-level player to see.

    In puzzle #3 winning move for white is to move horse to d4 and with this move he block two powns from queening and probably win with horse and 3 powns

    I solved most of them but Puzzle #2 I would not have solved even if I worked on it for hours. I have seen some cool queen sacs, but this was a queen sac followed by a rook sac. It shocked me when I saw the second sac. Cool stuff with the extremely rare FIVE knight checkmate on puzzle #7.

    Puzzel #2
    Instead take the black rock.
    White bhisop take pawn. How it will go?

    A beautiful clearance sacrifice with Rd2!

    5:52 Move Knight to d3 (and then to c1) was not considered.
    Simple idea to blockade passed double pawns with Knight.

    Normal people: does mate in 1
    Chess Vibes: No, you're doing it wrong. does mate in 10

    In Number 2, couldn't White go Knight to d4 instead of taking that Rook, and then it's not a checkmate anymore? White Knight is now covering the square that the Black Knight could get the Checkmate on (since Black Rook was blocking White Rook from that square), and if Black uses the Rook to go back down to capture that White Knight, that gives enough time for Black to move other pieces around into a more favorable position.

    The last puzzle really brings a new meaning to "if you see a good move, look for a better one"

    In puzzle 6 can't you just do rook h3
    King f3 rook h5 checkmate? Edit: never mind black can just do knight g3 king takes bishop e1 king f3 pawn e4 and no checkmate

    What was he doing up to this point is what you should be asking!😂

    Its my first time to solve 8 chess puzzle without fail 😅hahaha

    In puzzle 3: why if white plays Rf7 instead of take bishop?

    In puzzle 2 wouldnt knight c2 not be a checkmate?

    Свѣтославъ Петровски ⚛️ says:

    12:50 Here the best move for black is Kb3, not a1. But it's still a win for white, because of the extra pawn.

    If you have two pairs of double isolated pawns next to each other , I think you have a chance of winning

    at 6.50 why the black peon don't take the tower ?

    Wait, in puzzle 3 why can't the pawn on a7 take the rook on b6?

    Neslon why did u not take rook in puzzle 3

    At the beginning of the video isolate with me into promoting to one night and go for walking the Queen and the king with chec ma me

    The last one touches my heart, tickles my stomach and opens my mind. Beautiful.

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