A Difference between Chess.com and lichess 😳

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    Ngl as of now, chesscom ratings feels inflated, so not really sure how to comparison in terms of rating is now

    This is why I have been getting draws like nobody’s business haha. That and I need to work on my chess skills

    It probably racism I all ways wondered why does white go first smh.

    This is why I have both apps/websites on my favorites, because I like to switch between them

    Today it just happens to me

    "I ran out of time but I have a room and a pawn against my opponent with just a king"

    As an American I agree with the lichess logic.

    i propose new regulations: when your timer clicks 0, you lose, no matter how pretty your pieces look

    There is also one more diffrence you can do any numbers of puzzles without even joining any membership and for that you will have to pay but in lichess you can do countless of puzzles for free

    What I don't understand is why it is a stalemate even though it is possible to win with just a rook and a king

    Chess without Li has some great features, if you pay.
    Lichess gas the best free features

    I think this happened to Alireza in a over the board game, a rapid tournament a few years ago. he wanted to claim a draw after his clock run out, but the fide police gave his opponent a win because checkmate was posible by his opponent only if Alireza helped him puting his king at the corner, which he said he will never do because he is so smart

    Crazy I found u first on twitch and u popped up on my shorts ! Good stuff man, and congrats to Juve haha 😂

    Similar happened in alireza carlsen controversy ?

    What the heck is flagging I don't understand

    I remember watching a video of Hikaru mating his opponent with nothing but a king and knight because his opponent was pushing his h pawn with his king in front.

    If rook steel on the board there's one way to checkmate

    Ayo there are different rules in chess in diffrent countries?

    Lichess is not a (French) company it is an association. And the fact that Lichess follows FIDE but this has nothing to do with France. FIDE is the world official chess organ. The video seems to make a link between the French origin of Lichess and the choice of rules which is concrete bullshit

    lichess is not a company, they are a true non profit organization. Please, don't misguide your audience

    I was quite confused when I "lost" on time to a guy who had only a bishop left. There is 0 chance that fool was going to beat me with a bishop if he had a million years.

    It indicates they won, not that they’re winning. The position is not winning, they won on time

    What does it mean to "Flag your opponent"

    Actually, that's not even quite true. I have seen lichess give a win to only a bishop and king vs. king. Even vs. a king and pawn, where mate is impossible. Annoying for the most part.

    This is the same rule that made Alireza very annoyed because he was winning, but because he was out of time I think, because there was a way, dumb or not, unlikely or not, for him to lose, he lost. I think if you search for "Alireza files complaint about loss" I'm sure you'll find the video.

    Lichess is objectively correct. No one plays USCF seriously…2k USCF = 1600 FIDE

    You don't just get to automatically win there is still a stalemate to consider. You have to win in the allotted time not just get close.

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