A Game to Shame All That Follow! || A True Modern Immortal

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Photos by Lennart Ootes

Fedoseev, Vladimir (2701) – Salem, A.R. Saleh (2629)
Sharjah Masters 2024 (Chess.com) [03] 2024.05.16
E60 King’s Indian defence

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.h4 d6 4.Nc3 Nbd7 5.Qc2 c5 6.d5 a6 7.e4 b5 8.cxb5 Bg7 9.bxa6 O-O 10.h5 Nxh5 11.g4 Nhf6 12.g5 Nh5 13.Be2 Bxa6 14.Bxh5 gxh5 15.f4 e6 16.Nge2 Qe8 17.dxe6 fxe6 18.Ng3 Ne5 19.fxe5 Bxe5 20.Qg2 Rb8 21.Nxh5 Qg6 22.Be3 d5 23.O-O-O d4 24.Rdg1 dxc3 25.b3 Bd3 26.Qh3 Rxb3 27.axb3 Ra8 28.Kd1 Qxh5+ 29.Qxh5 Ra1+ 30.Bc1 Rxc1+

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%1$ Comments256

    This is the most gangster chess game ever played. May not be the best, but Saleh is straight up lethal.

    Imagine losing a chess game like that – Doesn't even seem fair … Congrads to Salem for a SuperHuman Immortal 🙂

    Fighting Chess is Exciting Chess. Beautiful game indeed 🎉

    Agad, also niemann vakhidov Is incredibile!!

    Petition to change the Morphy-head award to the Saleh-head award. This is insanity.

    This game is why we need to bring back the “Brilliancy Prize”!

    Hard to imagine what the opponent is imagining in a game like this.

    Closest to a checkmate i have seen in a pro game

    Antonio – I think Saleh definitely deserves a Morphy head for this game 🙂

    please compare your old shows. your are now blabbing, commenting too much. we are here for chess, not for you. or your mementos from the father. wake up.

    I have spotted Rb3 followed by Ra8 like instantly, which makes me one of the greatest chess players ever. 😎

    Joke aside, I really saw that instantly, partly because few days ago I saw a game by almighty bulgarian GM Milko Popchev with almost same combination.

    Besides how amazing this all was, it's bonkers that in the KID how quickly this entered new game territory.

    Love this opening! And being a regular player of the dragon (and losing so many games), I did see the rook sacrifice. Such a neat game.

    Haha, I intuitively thought Rxb3 without even realizing why.

    Actually a wtf moment. I'm rarely able to keep up with the calculations of even IMs, but this is one occasion where, even AFTER seeing it, I still can't believe it.

    As the great Mato Jelic would say, “What a game!”

    AI Camera follows your head's movements? xD

    I love how Antonio paints such a vivid picture, Im on the edge of my seat hanging on his every word

    Petition for playing the move Rxb3 in slow motion, it surely deserves that.

    Just wow…we always need such games to see.❤

    I wish my name was half as cool as these guys

    That was astonishing! Mind bending calculation

    Magnificent! Fisher-reminiscent. Firehose attacking. Thank-you and why I subscribed.

    Saleh foresaw the Bishop pair from hell becoming fully operational when he decided to sacrifice the Rook and Queen. Wow.. 🔥

    at 11:48 play Nf6, then BxN is followed by Qxe6+ simplifies and draws…

    I am now ashamed to go look at my own games. If these moves can be played, who am I to push pieces around a chessboard?

    Being a immortal game is like this!really Beautiful

    For the first time in a lifetime I finally got the winning move and continuation. And I think for the last time as well. What a game.

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