A Game to Shame All That Follow! || A True Modern Immortal

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Fedoseev, Vladimir (2701) – Salem, A.R. Saleh (2629)
Sharjah Masters 2024 (Chess.com) [03] 2024.05.16
E60 King’s Indian defence

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.h4 d6 4.Nc3 Nbd7 5.Qc2 c5 6.d5 a6 7.e4 b5 8.cxb5 Bg7 9.bxa6 O-O 10.h5 Nxh5 11.g4 Nhf6 12.g5 Nh5 13.Be2 Bxa6 14.Bxh5 gxh5 15.f4 e6 16.Nge2 Qe8 17.dxe6 fxe6 18.Ng3 Ne5 19.fxe5 Bxe5 20.Qg2 Rb8 21.Nxh5 Qg6 22.Be3 d5 23.O-O-O d4 24.Rdg1 dxc3 25.b3 Bd3 26.Qh3 Rxb3 27.axb3 Ra8 28.Kd1 Qxh5+ 29.Qxh5 Ra1+ 30.Bc1 Rxc1+

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%1$ Comments256

    What if after check by the bishop, the king runs to b1? after check by the pawn king to b2 and now the rooks protect the last row and nit let the queen promotion.

    two bishops and a pawn were stronger than two rooks and a queen!

    Saleh Salem had Tal's spirit guiding him in this game😎🗿

    Saw qh3 and rook sacrifice both cases couldn't figure out follow up moves

    My Friday started good but now it's excellent!

    absolutely insane game! Truly a game to shame all that follow 🤣🤣

    Yay, I found that move 🙂 However, no way did I find the Queen sac.

    That smile on Salem's face describes everything!!!
    Hats off!

    This position definitely can be used in puzzle.

    Where is the Morphy head for Saleh Salem?

    I got Qh3 and calculated it all correctly in just a few mins or less. You can deduce Qh3 pretty easily with the only tactic and calculate from there. I got Rxb3 as well because you notice fedoseev has back rank issues and the rook sac works

    oh wat a game!! like rashid always say, some people just play romantic chess.

    An awesome game! Yet, no threat to "The Game of the Century" i.e., D. Byrne vs. R. Fischer (1956). Great game! Great post!

    In post-game analyses Saleh said he only did see a draw. And then he realized it is a checkmate. Great game anyway.

    Excellent game, one of the best I’ve ever seen. Unbelievable understanding of positions. Amazing

    Bravo we Zambians we salute you 👏👏

    Saleh did not play great move, opponent was playing nonsense…thats all so no morphy head or tal head…

    I got it, the rook sacrifice. I'm so happy as I'm only probably a 1500 when playing quickly. Thank you Agadmator, I'm learning so much from your channel

    I have been holding my chin so my jaw doesnt drop down once the game reached that stage with rook to b3 sacrifice. Following all the possible lines after that was crazy.

    "Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life." __A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

    Okay I'm never gonna be a chess master, I just can't calculate anywhere as deep. I can get to 3 moves calculations but only with some obvious tactics.

    Absolutely brilliant game. In every sense of that word.

    I just had to comeback to watch this masterpiece.

    Ill be too scared to play this. Haha madness

    I was suffering from a fever and a sore throat, feeling absolutely miserable. Then I thought of this game and had to come back to watch this masterpiece. Now, my family is convinced I've been high on some allopathic medicine because on i'm jumping on my bed with each move

    it would be better to show the game from the black side point of view.

    Just flabbergasted to watch R×b3 and the following back up moves of black. Truly, this game is way ahead of generally considered brilliant games. Ofcourse your move per move classical analysis enriched the charm of unfolding the astounding denouement. Thank you very very much.

    "I am utterly without words" <- this is the only review of this game that does it justice. Wow

    I watch a lot of your videos and I hope day you kinda explain what makes something a completely new game only a few moves in. Like what’s the science behind it. And is it possible for some games not to played in a new way?

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