Are Chess Players actually smart?

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    Chess doesn't make you smart, but autism makes you seem different.

    Lud is slowly realizing that he is stupid.

    Κωνσταντίνος Χλεμητόπουλος says:

    Probably the dummest way to measure intelligence

    Visit my Page for more chess tips tricks and to learn chess

    Why did he do like a default death sound when he lost? ☠️

    As a club level player I can confirm that being able calculate transfers over pretty nicely to other games

    poeple who are smart at one thing they are smart in every factor but they are only good at that one thing
    kinda like rubics players

    Chess is all about thinking ahead and preparing for upcoming events. It is also slightly based on adapting to your opponents moves. Just like in connect four and real life. This does indeed make you smarter in some circumstances but it’s not gonna magically make you insanely good at math.

    Him: “Are chess players actually smar-“
    Me: “No.”
    Him: “What? Why?”
    Me: “Cause my brother plays chess”

    Levy had the 6th column forced win after 2 moves

    How tf are you good at monopoly half the game is luck?

    Yeah I'm not famous enough to be known as connect 4 master

    This is the type of scream I would make after eating in taco bell 💀💀💀

    Bro really compared chess to Monopoly 💀

    Gotham chess really just pulled the "so its the same type of stand as mine" trick

    Out of all the games out there, you chose the one that is most identical in chess. Both games have you think ahead and strategise while playing. If you want to beat someone who is good in chess at another board game, try to pick one that lacks thinking ahead strategy.

    What Levy means by "Connect 4 is similar to Chess" is professional Chess relies heavily on board vision and predicting several moves ahead. Two skills that make Connect 4 child's play.


    bro you are not average you're better than that

    Monopoly you just buy everything
    Chess you have to think moves ahead, calculating and analysing positions, reading your opponents fucking mind, knowing what they’re about to pull, knowing how to duke them out of ducking the duke you pulled last move after they duked you, Magnus Carlsen, top rated chess player CRUSHED a proffesional poker player by calling every last bluff. Magnus Carlsen can think 30 moves ahead
    Hikaru Nakamura can put people in positional chokeholds, making sequences that cause mate in the next five moves or less to be unavoidable, the chess players are among the smartest and most intuitive people on the planet and when someone thinks they’re smarter just because they can beat their nine year old cousin on family game night it just gets my blood BOILIN.
    Rant over
    TLDR: Chess players are just smart

    I'm a king at connect 4 like I never lost a game except the ones when I was learning but I'm a bad at chess

    I mean connect 4 is still a game of strategy and planning ahead, just a lot less so than chess

    They're not smart, just good at a board game, no matter how much they want to elevate that board game, it's still glorified checkers

    Bro you miss that horizontal line before gotham wins the game

    My classmates would say im pretty good at connect four because i beat all of my classmates(not all of them)at connect four and even MY TEACHER because i was lucky enough to beat him since there was one line left and it guaranteed a win

    Bro after i played chess for a while i tried checkers and it became easier for me than that it was before

    What's dumb is trying to equate skill in a game where dice are involved with a game where there's no luck involved. So yeah, you're dumb lol. Try playing a large array of tac tix, or better yet, tac tex on a mostly filled Abalone Hex board (by Piet Hein). There's a reason most people play board dice/ luck games. They can always blame their loss on poor dice lol. When you play Chess or Go (aka Wei Qi in Chinese or Baduk in Korean), you'll get a rating, and find out where you stand in the mental department. If you can get above 2000 ELO rating, you're an expert, and above 2200 a Master. Pretty simple huh? GO Moku (connecting 5 in a row is the baby teaching tool they use for children in Japan as a lead in to GO) isn't anything like GO. Lee Sedol is the ten time World GO champion. Watch his games. Watch Magnus Carlsen's games in chess. Try to solve Tactical chess puzzles, like endgame studies (white to move and win or draw) or Puzzles (like white to mate in X number of moves). You'll find out how smart you are pretty quickly.

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