Beginning Chess Concepts by Professor Hikaru

Hikaru teaches noobs how the horsey moves.


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#gmhikaru #chess #chesslessons

%1$ Comments644

    Hikaru said " I look 20 years younger? Thanks I look like I'm 15" lol

    So my iq is slightly higher but my chess rating isnt even close to 2400 lol… what am i doing wrong?

    I know only how to play expect box name as you say frequently I can't do this…
    Send me different formula for trap king

    Professor, the joke of the day – I dont think you can be a professor only knowing about one game, here chess.

    can someone explain 6:49 im newbie at chess. Black plays pawn f7 to f5 how did white e5 pawn takes the black pawn at f5?? i’m confused.

    No way that you’re iq is 102 😅
    If you have good memory and calculations like this you should be over than 140 bro

    Why hikaru is not a world chamoions pretender?)

    polite "something" whooping…brother you're too humble

    6:50 did I miss something? Or am I being completely thick? Then I Googled. Well, I was today years old when I learned of 'en passant'.

    How did he take the pawn at 6:50? It was at F5 but he moved to F6?

    Thanks for this video. Really helps this noob out tremendously

    Thanks for the video. Please do more that kind of educational videos

    This is very nice and interesting. I love how you are chill and supportive when playing and explaining your thoughts.

    I can see, he is playing like a beginner… 😜

    two rules for hikaru 1 sac your queen 2 get checkmated

    Instruction unclear, just lost 50 games in a row.

    if this is for beginners he needs to slow down lol

    we will get the chance to learn from one of top players in the world

    This is awesome, this is basically a free chess lesson. Thank you

    Is it, like, an antisocial tick that people find it appealing when their commentators nearly yell at them? Levy is straight cringe, but I find Hikaru intolerable as well.

    And he doesn't have to talk this way. His doesn't talk this way in interviews.

    Like the content very much. allows Low level player like me to think logically and how good player think during every movement.

    Mexico to the south and French Canada to the north. It really is a shame we don’t speak at least 3 languages. It’s crazy how tied to the English language this country is especially after fighting the English for independence. We also have no official language.

    Lmao the second game was Hikaru playing "NextHikaruNakamuraa"

    Absolutely educational is fact and not only beginners but mid-level players too! What I loved the most is your modest and well cultured built character for such a known chess prodigy, makes it truly connecting and bonding content %100 where the others simply don't have.. we appreciate you Hikaru 🙏🏼

    SO… PLEASE explain at 6:51 your pawn at e5 takes his pawn at f5 and u land on f6. I’ve seen weird moves on vids like this before and maybe it’s a glitch but I need help learning that move 😆

    Love this. My favorite. Please make more. Soak up a lot like this

    How would I go into one of your tournaments? I kinda wanna get the chance to get professionally wrecked by a super gm 😅

    Thumnbail artwork shows his chalk board as having rows of ABCDEF*HG* lol

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