Beginning Chess Concepts by Professor Hikaru

Hikaru teaches noobs how the horsey moves.


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%1$ Comments644

    Your stepfather must be pretty proud of Professor Hikaru

    Does anyone else like beginner positional tutorials? I always want to know what they're thinking since I'm horrible at improving my position besides working toward a tactic.

    $50 million net worth and cuts his own hair! 😮 wow

    whoever does this thumbnails- i really hope you pay em well. best stuff out there in the thumbnailworld

    I really don't understand those goofy guys telling Hikaru to playing 3 mins format. You should be thankful that one of the best player ever existed is literally spending time teaching you how to play with high dedication.(of course he gets money for this, but he could just do his things) I can't see the point of just watching him crushing people for 3 minutes without understanding more than 4 moves straight, learning from him is much better.

    I would love this for intermediate chess like Danya because I think a lot of content is geared towards beginners but not as much at getting over that intermediate hump.

    This content is great, I'd love to see more of it!

    We’ll i know what I’m watching to start work off tomorrow

    Anyone else notice the G and H switched in the beginning?

    Anyone please say which website is he playing

    "Also it's 5/0 so I can talk alot more" 💀

    Hey Hikaru! I had a question
    You have said before that teaching lower rated players makes you a worse player,so why are you doing this?No offence tho

    This is fantastic. Chill time, good education. Excellent vibes.

    Bro messed up the thumbnail 💀 . the chess board goes “H” before “G”

    How do you manage to take the same amount of sips each time?

    Beginner theory masterclass, truly a professor of chess. This is where you can learn the ideas, stragegies, mentality and many higher level concepts. Which is the type of knowledge you simply can't get anywhere, especially presented professionally and in such a compact format. I think Hikaru could write a great book of chess concepts that assumes you know the rules and basics of the game that is easier to unpack and level up than most that exist. Likely built from the dynamic ideas created from videos like this. Unplanned content against random players brings about all sorts of creative and intersting aspects.

    So basically Hikaru is saying hes worth about 30 mil after taxes! Lol

    Hikaru is my favorite youtuber ❤️❤️🙈

    People in chat complaining 5 min too slow. I really enjoyed the slower pace & taking time to explain basic concepts. Even on the things know, it's nice to see I'm correct when making those decisions.

    Thank you GM Hikaru!
    Without You, Danya, and Levy, I would not be learning chess right now.

    It's sounds crazy now that you could think you were somehow declining or past your prime, as you are recently showing great chess in competitive events and are putting out more content for your viewers than ever before!
    I foresee you becoming like Vishy or Kasparov, amazing and active in the chess world well into what you would call "senior".
    Please continue your work and career, you are a benefit to all of chess! 😎🤙

    I have 700 rated but I can’t go more than that rated. I’ll learn from this video. Thank you 🙂

    This is the best content. Please do more of this.
    I do think it’s gee-okko piano, not gucci 😊

    This video already made me a better player 😂

    i dont usually comment but this video made me remember some good days. keep it up hikaru

    What’s he title of his step-father’s book?

    Also wanna chime in and say that this is def one of my favorite types of content!

    I think you should do more casual content like in this video.

    Whenever I have an attitude problem I just watch big brain Brett here and I’m put in my place.

    29:02 Well, Hikaru you missed "How Life Imitates Chess" by Kasparov. Garry's book is all about what you're saying

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