Bobby Fischer Changed his Mind about Women in Chess (1972)

In an earlier interview, former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer said that women are terrible chess players, should be kept out of intellectual affairs and stay at home cleaning. In this interview from 1972, shortly before his World Championship against Boris Spassky, he seems to have changed his opinion somewhat.

%1$ Comments228

    Then why is there a womens division in world chess. Ridiculous

    I reckon he watches his older video and cringes at his response. To go from that to this is hilarious 😂.

    They just hate everyone, especially you reading this comment.

    "Is Chess a sexist game"

    The queen is literally the most powerful unit on the board.

    Obviously Fisher was a man with these quotes

    And then now they want to ban trans women from playing chess. You lot need to make up your minds

    every game that takes any skill or strategy is inherently sexist. chess doesn't have a women's league so you rarely see women. if other games were open like chess, you'd rarely ever see pro female athletes

    Chess does have a rule that you can't show cleavage or too much legs, but that seems reasonable in an intellectual game.

    They might be sexist but they appreciated talents.

    What's the change of mind here?
    "Women are bad at chess"
    "Women are welcome in chess"
    completely different statements

    Chess is a mental game, not a physical game. As a man, dare I say women might even have an advantage 😅

    "There's no sexism, I'd suggestively welcome women into the space"

    Yuck. Dude's a creep. A MAJOR creep for that line.

    There's no character development. Dude was obviously just trolling in the other vid.

    "Very interesting Bobby, now tell us, what is your opinion on the Jews?"

    Damn what a character arc. Obnoxious teenager to developed adult. I hope he doesn’t lose his mind

    Boxing is not the same as a street fight… you would grab that boy and once he feels it’s he realized he fucked up. Boxing he might be able to walk you around and tire you out… but a street fight will be under 1minute I bet

    He must be scolded by women at his house…

    For everyone talking about how different he is acting.
    The first video was about wether women are good at chess, this one is wether they are welcome to play chess.
    Very different discussions

    Bobby's a good man. He only speaks the truth, which has made him very unpopular along his peers.

    Wasn't this guy like a huge anti-Semite?

    Notice how the women mentioned were European…

    The truth is despite no physicality men have been and are still on average many folds better than women chess players. Facts.

    This video has less likes than the one where he says wemon suck at chess 😂

    This video has less likes than the one where he says wemon suck at chess 😂

    The truth is despite no physicality men have been and are still on average many folds better than women chess players. Facts.

    Guys the most powerful and valuable piece it chess is the queen… I mean technically its the king but the king has no value since it can't be taken and had pretty mediocre movement. It does keep the game alive tho.

    Lisa Lane as of writing this is in fact still around

    Decades later we found out women arent up to the par men are. But men arent near to AI and we usr AI to prep now…

    Lmao it’s an Elo system, quite literally anyone can go pro

    At the end of the day, it wouldn’t make sense to categories women and men differently in chess. There’s no advantage, it’s not a sport like football.

    I don't feel like he changed much.

    He simply phrased it differently this time. He is saying that there is no discrimination against Woman in chess and that they are completely welcome (implying that Woman are simply worse since despite that there are no Woman in the top lists pretty much at all).

    He is still saying that Woman suck at chess. He is just being more sneaky about it and throwing in a compliment as well.

    Why aren’t their more women GMs? I’m genuinely asking.

    It’s not sexist if men are just better at it… that’s just a skill issue

    What a silly question. It's just a boardgame. If girls don't want to play it that's not sexism

    I just watched a short of fischer saying "women are cleaning things" am dead 💀

    Nona is georgian 🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪

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