Bobby Fischer On Why He Hated Chess

What Chess Grandmaster Bobby Fischer said about chess might surprise you. Do you agree with him?

%1$ Comments192

    Bro is not an anti chess but an anti jew

    Holy shit I've never seen pictures of old Bobby, I thought he died young or something 💀

    Yeah I can say I’m relatively good at chess but I’m not going to memorize thousands of moves lol. Nowadays im losing to super obscure rulings and I’m like whatever dude let’s just play again lol

    The guy who played the game 6000 hours and posted a negative review

    Same thing Elon said but ppl hate when he says it instead

    It's funny how top GMs like Magnus will dismiss Fischer, but they always come to the same conclusions, just 50 years after Bobby realized these problems. However, instead of just complaining about them, Bobby promoted solutions.

    Thats y I play Magic Chess.
    in ML (Mobile Legends).

    Because of some damned made for TV movie, I thought this man fucking disappeared off the face of the Earth and was never seen again when he was like 30. Then I saw this short.

    Remember seeing some chess variant that used archers which could take out opponents in their row or column but only if another piece was positioned in between them, similar to a rook only with that qualifying factor and not sure how they moved otherwise. Still the idea often has me considering different variations in both form and function while wondering how the modern ones were ultimately settled on.

    "The perfect chess player, in the scientific sense, would have to come up with the best move in each case."The perfect chess player, in the scientific sense, would have to come up with the best move in each case. This would require calculations that go beyond the human power of combination. It is even questionable whether one of the great calculating machines of our, or even a future, technical construction would be sufficient for this. But we want to assume that there would be apparatuses and chess machines, which determined the strongest move in each case. What would the consequences be? First of all, whether one or both partners were equipped with such computers, the game would lose its character, it would become a technical act. At the same time, the game, the peculiarity of the encounter of two intelligences, two temperaments and characters with defined roles, would lose its appeal. What would be lost is what makes the game a competition – the bold attack, the tough defence, the cunning concealment, the surprising leap, and even the victory would no longer deserve the name. Instead, there would be a game that is thought and completed in all directions. The style of the opening would run through the entire game, the optimal, could be played with the same opening. It would repeat itself in its details, like a film. It is obvious that this cannot be the purpose of the game. Play and art exclude the use of technical means. But not science. Where the scientific methodology with its technique penetrates the field of play, the enjoyment and freedom of the game are destroyed. Constraint increases. This is not only the difference between the Greek Olympics and our own, but also the desertification of large areas, where that was once a game, a competition, or even a fight, is now being brought closer to perfection and destroyed by technology."

    -Ernst Jünger

    If he comes now and play, he can beat every chess player in this planet.

    Chess is definitely about memorization and less about smart tactics. There are only so many moves that can be done on the board, so it is mathematically guaranted that a certain move will be the best in any given situation. All it takes is an autistic genius to learn them all and that's where computers come into play.

    1st sentence – "i hate chess". Last sentence -" i am pro chess".

    @hikaru called him crazy which was incorrect..hikaru is against free speech

    Cel mai mare șahist din istorie.
    Totuși, nu a înțeles la ce e bun "șahul"!

    I like his thinking. That should be competitive.

    But if only I was able to talk with him.
    The help, influences of computer and other assistance could’ve been and can be excluded from continuing tournament play.
    I believe it was a huge pain to him, as he probably didn’t have quite anywhere near the help as the other players and most importantly, he didn’t believe in the help of computers for play, hence he found a way.
    But his upsetness of continual play with assistance can be shut down with monitorization of person for entirety until competition play, the next day. For review by other if they want post tournament.

    Anyone else notice the similarities with Kramnik?

    Anyone else notice the similarities with Kramnik?

    i mean this is true of any game. every game will have optimal meta strategies and those who memorize the "build orders" will come out on top.

    Chess was this game about traveling through time with your opponnent to see who could travel further. And of course this moment doesnt have to feel like a clash/competition, but a conversation between two minds. Now it feels like all the time traveling has already been done and this moment of connection (and joy!!) with our opponent is hidden behind a wall of 2TB of

    These people commenting here are just saying anything to gain some likes, all those commenting here I can bet they didn't had the same view before this video, they are commenting shit here because Bobby fischer said something they didn't understand completely, and took his one part and commenting according to it, and these are the people who never knew how to play chess and now they are trying to give excuse why they didn't. Believe me neither of them commenting here know anything about chess

    He's against drab memorization and for creativity.

    Bro looks crazy af i want to know his life story

    I too have this very depressing feeling when i get beaten again and again by the computer.. I feel his pain.

    You are the best chess player I've ever seen,

    I think its eazy to see how bobby is right. Being an average player myself but i think he is right its mostly about memorization the first 20 moves you will always loose against someone who memorised

    I play chess for fun, I know people who STUDY chess. It bring lot of stress and takes the fun out and kills the sole purpose of chess that.. "you should come up with your own tactics". It's not a game anymore but a job.

    Don't wanna come in my rules?
    Ok I will create my own rules

    having fun > being hyper competitive robot trying to be perfect

    I think he ust spoke facts. This is why I went to poker, there's always the unpredicatable

    Its actually why i never took chess past initial intrest. I love creatively out smarting my opponent in games chess is just raw memory

    I always thinked that games like League of Legends are the new chess… it ads a "coopération" and a little "reflex" dimension

    i agree.
    I can't stand the meta game in Fighting games when it all comes to frame data bullshit.

    Like, people just play characters because they're "S Tier" instead of picking cool characters they actually like.

    Joke's on Fischer. I have a horrible capacity for memorisation which means that each new game feels new and exciting!

    (And it probably feels like that for the vast majority of the chess playing world who neither have the time, nor the ability, to do deep preps). We end up in exciting and dangerous waters almost every game. The perks of being rated a measly 600.

    “I hate chess”

    “People think I’m anti chess”

    They call all the smartest peope crazy….
    Power rules by lies and violence..

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