Bobby Fischer On Why He Hated Chess

What Chess Grandmaster Bobby Fischer said about chess might surprise you. Do you agree with him?

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    This is only true at incredibly high levels of chess. Chess is still fun to play cuz you get to challenge yourself versus another. Pattern recognition is an incredibly important thing in any game or skill in life. Having a competition of essentially pure pattern recognition is incredibly fun and challenging. Just enjoy yourself, grow at your own rate, develop the aspects of your game that gives enjoyment and you'll love chess.

    Release Chess 2 and do what Overwatch did and permanently delete Chess 1. I'm sure people will like it.

    Lol, “I hate chess”…” I'm pro chess, I'm trying to keep it alive.”

    I hate chess
    It’s ridiculous
    I love chess
    I’m not anti chess

    Esse sujeito morreu louco vendo espião em todo canto…

    so true. I have never seen a video where someone ask magnus about a position and he cannot recall that game. He almost remember every game and each move.

    Chess is good whenever you don’t know anything about it and you can just enjoy playing a war game with your opponent. Scoring, leaderboards and computer just poisoned the fun part of this game

    Yeh memorization and no creativity for sure
    Lousy game for sure

    His statement makes it seem like chess has become irrelevant as a sport. That is not true. Traditional chess has simply evolved and already serves as a sport to compare the prowess of AI software. It is much like Formula 1. The goal is not only to be a great pilot, but also to develop a technologically outstanding car.
    Chess is simply becoming a competition for computer scientists.

    Chess was great when the body of knowledge wasn't this big and computers didn't exist. Now you have computers beating humans at Go; same effect, same story.

    We are going down the same pathway.

    When you're like this with the game of life. Ehhh.

    “People say I’m anti chess”
    Video loops*
    “I hate chase”

    Ive turned my back on Chess and started to play go. Chess is only about memorizing the openings and various moves that come out of them . Go offers more creativity and intuitive play. The only downside is that hardly anyone plays go.

    Modern chess: Spend 10 hours a day everyday. Memorising stockfish 15 engine lines for every opening ever

    Honestly why I didn’t like chess it’s just memorization learn all the openings and how they end and their counters it’s not unique it’s not you it’s just replicating someone.

    Just a guy who couldn’t adapt to new era of competition.

    Bobby was really cool unless he was talking about women or Jews

    exactly, being a GM at chess doesnt mean ur a genius, because if you were you wouldnt be wasting ur production value on fucking chess. Its just who has the better memory, basically all high level GMS have photographic memory of some kind

    and now every chess streamer slanders this man and says he was a fool. fucchikaru

    Ironically, top-level chess has been moving away from memorization more and more. People are moving away from known lines earlier and earlier to try to get a winning edge.

    felt the same way… above 1500 it gets boring… basicly

    I agree chess is not about intelligence. Its all about how many moves you know or how much you practice just like school.

    Let chess speak for itself you don´t have to speak for it…

    This is the absolute godfather OG soldier jack prince king god of chess. He’s all that shit 🙌🏼🙌🏼 one of the most brilliant men to ever exist in recent times. He was creative and passionate about things that really mattered, and of course his character was defamed for it. Yet it changes nothing about his true character, intelligence, and passion. Would’ve loved to talk to this man

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