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%1$ Comments416

    When chat is so dumb it circles around to brilliant

    guess the ELO? more like guess the subscriber count by the intro 🍷🗿

    Wanna guess it, his Elo might be more than 1,500.

    I got my first brilliant move today as a double bishop sacrifice leading to +2 material and white's king in a bad posture but unfortunatly I misscalculated the line and blundered an equal position, almost there…

    God its amazing when you watch this on stream and know everything that happened

    the stare in the intro wasnt as good as it should .i give it a 7 out of 10 tho

    It sounded suprisingly good for water botle o_0

    As the elo, I can be confirmed that I was both brilliant, and that I was guessed by Levy

    Levy taking the water bottle with the microphone was the most brilliant move in the video ‼️

    I’ve always wondered why does Levy sounds like a black guy during his guess the elo videos

    bro twitch chat just be parroting whatever levy just said like it makes them smart

    I wonder how many people there are who'd love to submit a game to Gotham but it's just unrealistic for them. I recently had one where I had 2 brilliant moves with a knight and a rook sacrifice leading to mate with 91% acc and a 1900 estimate. I'm 1300 blitz but 1500 rapid. Just would be fun to see it on here

    yo i am absolutely dying laughing watching black win that 3rd game lmfao. i can't believe it. and your reaction hahaha

    haha that queen checkmate on c5 did me in, I'm done for the day hahaha

    Feels like gotham spent the whole week dreading GTE.

    Blippy is the name of the freshest new open ing. E4,Ne2,Ng3…

    I use your videos to practice my English listening skills

    I am still waiting to find out if there is a sale?

    24:50 The person with white now: I’m unofficially a Candidate Master 💀

    I didn’t submit nada, and I do not care if you give 200 for it would be 200 more than you jejeje

    Hey Gotham, I think you should do a series titled Game of Throws: Chess Edition where you can teach chess players on how to not throw winning positions in chess.

    Good lesson. I just played a 15/10 game and had 14 minutes left when I checkmated.

    I really need to slow down and not be so reactive.

    Does anyone notice their ELO changing? I do the puzzles on Lichess, and I was at 1600, however I've dropped down to sub 1300 and now it seems like the puzzles are all stumping me.

    Alright levy it’s time to stop uploading on this playlist

    Братан, на каком языке ты думаешь?

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