Can I Beat EVERY Chess Bot in 30 minutes?

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%1$ Comments583

    Watch Levy do advanced not speedrun and get destroyed with brilliant moves by Ahmed bot again😂

    levy after losing 3 games to the same opponent:

    I love these content. Do intermidite and advanced. I also did this challenge but 25 min

    Hello, Humans
    You are all the support you need. Be confident and stay focused.


    Damn 19 minutes, wonder how long it would take me.

    I know you're an excellent chess player, but premoving against low level bots? You never know what crazy moves they'll make.

    "Bots very rarely blunder mate in one!"
    litterally every bot

    "Let's get in nice here and deep with the queen"
    Gotham chess-2023

    I would love to see top grand masters do this!

    Why beginners, are you afraid of advanced bots Levy?

    Intermediate and Advanced as well, please.

    Nobody in my friends play chess they are all dumb motherfuckers

    I predict intermediate will take an hour

    "Sometimes these bots do good moves by accident'
    -Levy trying to make himself feel better about himself

    This was fun. Would love to see intermediate and advanced bots speedrun too! : )

    Loving the shirt bro! Where did you get it from?

    “that’s a free queen u absolute monkey”

    Are you playing on adaptive skill? Might make a difference

    Bro rlly Said its the friends along the road that counts

    Feels like bullying group of kids in the playground

    Why is he nicer to the chessbots than he is to twitch chat 💀

    Wait a second, who the F calls their son Santiago in Chile?

    When beginners bots knows his opponent was Levi then they also start playing in their full potential lol 😂

    “Whoaaaa I can’t castle, no way the bot just played that” bot moves bishop back. “ okay thank you hahaha” too good lol 😂

    It would be super cool if you could start a show where you guess subscribers elo

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