Can you Sacrifice your KING in Chess? #shorts

King: Am I a Joke to you? 😂

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments196

    Wait… You don't have to say "check" to alert your opponent in tournaments? I would think that would be necessary especially in blitz games.

    HE SACrifised THE KINGGGGG for a pawn

    Danger levels when you get checked check the back

    Why not just take the king if that happens and say good game


    Black peices: if you kill our king your king dies

    White peices: aight we surrender don’t kill our king

    You are supposed to say check aren’t you

    Why did he resign? I get that it can be embarrassing and damaging to ones ego but winning means more than an illegal move

    He said sorry.
    even though he did nothing wrong
    Thats true GigaChad

    They should have traded kings and keep going but with their queens to try to checkmate their queens

    In real life this is effective, all you need is how smart your comrades are to make you free and defeat the enemy.

    Kings Gambit Accepted: Illegal Variation

    That is why every single time I get a check , I will say check so the opponent will check their king position

    in Levy's voice And he sacrificed… THE KINGGGGGGGG

    what!!? is illigel move make you lose!!! bro just go back and complete.honestly i didnt like it


    And he sacrifised not the BISHOP not even the ROOK not even the QUEEN.
    He sacrifised the KIIIIINGG!!!

    The queen was like "you take my king I take yours then we draw"

    interesting point. Not only it was an illegal move, but also he touched the queen so now if he is allowed to move, he will have to move the queen, only move is queen to d4 completely losing the queen. Nihal also pointed this out, there is no hope left for the opponent,

    I as an adult am amazed by the kindness and humbleness of Nihal at such an age. Real gem !!

    Yeah you can, but it will result into the losing position

    This is just basic danger levels… Don't see the problem.

    Since he touched his Queen he has to move his Queen. The only legal move then looses his Queen.

    i wonder if this happens, and you just capture their king, would the game end?

    Yh its called blundering mate 1 for your opponent

    Everyone is contributing in the effort of keeping alive the legacy of GM abhish

    This is what happen before. Magnus Carlsen vs Ernesto. Ernesto also did this an illegal move but magnus didn't notice it. So that he lose to Ernesto

    just take the King. why need to explain?

    Omg I an the 14thousand like on this video

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