Carlsen’s astonishing Endgame forced spectators to applaud him against Duda with one second left

Carlsen’s astonishing Endgame forced spectators to applaud him against Duda with one second left
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    Can someone explain to me why the guy on the right wants to protect his bishop that badly? Aren't rooks worth more than bishops? At 0:26, Magus is offering to trade a pawn and rook for his bishop?

    I was there, this was the final game of the tournament and also the longest game and most exciting, the applause was for both of them, because of the best game we saw there, because of Magnus's win in the tournament and for Duda, because he is our best polish player <3

    LOL, how was it astonishing when he is up an exchange for a pawn?

    i didn't understand, why did it ended up as a draw?

    What exactly made them all realise the game was over at once? Was a 3-time-rep called by an off-cam ref?

    after 1.b4, black can play 1…Rxb4 or 1…Bxb4. (1…Bxb4 2.Rb3 Re5+ …and then black can safe his bishop). However, the resulting endgame is still a draw. Maybe Duda wanted to keep it a bit more complicated, thinking he can not lose this but has a little time advantage. With more material on the board he has more tactics available. I would have captured on b4, but I guess black has sufficient compensation if he does not capture on b4. (there are potential tactics in the air like at some point …Rb2+ Rd2 RxR KxR Bxf2 possible with keeping more material on the board). Difficult decision, and it cost Duda quite some time.

    Just plain majestic. What a legend. How much money would I spend on a printed physical book on endgame theory by Magnus Carlsen? 🤔

    India is the future of chess, India will dominate chess thanks to supreme leader, btw miss him

    This game shows how incredibly annoying Magnus is. Most GM would just accept the loss. Not Magnus he has to terrorize people in lost positions. So petty and brilliant at the same time.

    Why would he not take Rxb4? A rook trade is what you want when you are two pawns up…???

    Chess is the only game where people applaud for a draw or where the player is so happy with a draw. Imo o e of the things what makes chess a bit weird.

    I didn't got it. 😅😅
    Why people clapped to the end?

    These commentators need to shutup, they know far less than the players.

    Como cuando crees tener sometido a Magnus y este te da una lección de ajedrez….. que grande es Magnus Carlsen 👏👏👏👏👏👏

    Chess "specialist" commenting on what they would have done instead when Magnus plays, to find out 3 moves later how wrong they were, it just cracks me every time.

    God doesn’t want anybody in hell because He loves us, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). We’re not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we’re sinners. Sin is the nature of our flesh that we are born with due to the sin of Adam in the garden. For someone to be justified before God they have to be sinless. We’ve all sinned (Romans 3:23), and the the law demands death for those who sin (Romans 6:23). God is righteous, so He must punish our sin, which is what He did through His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus is Holy and sinless, yet He received our sin when He died on the cross, so that we can be righteous before God (2 Corinthians 5:21). When He died on the cross, He said “It is finished” (John 19:30), which means He paid the full price for all of your sins (past, present, and future) to be forgiven. He was buried and rose again from the dead. God will forgive anybody who puts their full trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We aren’t saved based on our good deeds, but only by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). His precious blood that He shed is the only reason why we can be forgiven of our sins (Hebrews 9:22). If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead, then you’ll be saved (Romans 10:9). You are born-again with the Spirit of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and are not only legally justified before God, but also are accredited His righteous (Romans 4:24). Believers live for Christ now, so get to know Him through His Word. I recommend reading the book of Romans and the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and watching Pastor Joseph Prince’s online sermons!

    Maybe we have a new move in chess, forced applause 🙂

    Magnus' head looked like it increased 20% in size in the end, rightly so.

    Tagalog: Duda
    English: Doubt
    Why did you put stay away the King on his pawns? This is drawish game.. 🤔

    Duda was getting tired. Obviously this is drawish game. Why Duda put stay away the King on his pawns…

    Magnus is the devil in the end game. change my mind

    Every time I watched a world-class chess player shake hands before the game even finished, I don't know who really is winning the game, lol 😂😂

    That was stressful—and I couldn’t hardly even follow!

    Any other playet on the planet would have lost this. Holding this with no time shows genius

    bullshit I was there and they didn't applaud him but we did apploud after every round has finished. Only time when there was clapping during the round was when Carlsen actually lost in the first round and in the brake the organiser was super mad that people applauded when the other games were still going.

    What I liked about this game is Carlson is not afraid to go around the block with his rook , stick it to em !!!!

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