Checkmate Your Friends In 6 Moves

Checkmate Your Friends In 6 Moves

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%1$ Comments112

    Him: If he plays pawn to h5 trying to trap the bishop th-
    Queen to h5 checkmate💀
    Honestly tho Idc about the bishop if theres checkmate

    All this will not happen if he didn't take f7 pawn at the beginning

    I like how you tried with the bishop for 2nd attempt to mate .this will catch a lot of people out

    what if the guy, instead opens up with a knight

    Instead of pawn taking the bishop, Black moves N to f6 preventing checkmate. However, Dutch defense does not demand attacking the white bishop this way. Only neophyte players might play this .

    I haven't played the Dutch for about 20 years, but I still remember this one. These move 2 nonsense tricks are why I started answering 1.d4 with e6.

    Yeah, what you do if they, idk choose to move the E pawn foward tho? Then you lost your bishop and your whole king side. If finding someone that uses this defense wasnt hard enough

    Who opens with that pawn though? Literally no one.

    He sacrificed THE BISHOPPPPP and now he sacrificed THE QUEEENNNNNN


    Everyone play knight on second move, noone attack bishop

    How do u guys put that # in the king when got checkmated

    Actually, bishop e2 instead of d3 is a brilliant move (stockfish review)

    A well developed knows not to open their king on a weak square. And this is your so-called friend. You're not a good friend for not teaching them any better

    That and many other traps and losing openings with weak kingside is the reason why I see 1… f5 as a blunder itself

    I love the comments. I'm not a great chess player. But I'm like the Dutch defence? Who's doing THAT!

    I honestly do hope several of my friens who play Dutch Defense try to chase the Bishop as per video.

    It's already 3 years now..
    but I still waiting for my lucky day

    He doesn't need the rook protection. All he needs is the king pawn progression

    Can i ask a question after the bishop trap what happens if black moves the king before black can take the Bishop?

    If your opponent is foolish enough to play a bunch of king side pawns, he deserves to lose

    The odds of someone playing the dutch is low

    Just move the E pawn after h5

    This is like somebody saying let me teach you some defense in fighting then tells me how to attack ok punch punch kick but what if he kick kick grab

    Nobody is so stupid to lose this way !

    This would only works for beggineers.. 😆😆

    You could have checkmated him with the queen already as soon as he threatened your bishop the third time

    I play bird opening (similarly to dutch defence)

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