CHESS 2.0 IS HERE!!!!!


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%1$ Comments264

    I was crying at 16:45 he could’ve taken the bishop w the rook w jump spell for so long

    I couldnt find this mode anywhere and the link dosent work so now im sad because i want to meme people by jumping over peices and checkmating

    11:34 Levy has such Chess 1.0 brain that he completely misses rook takes king with green spell. Hard to watch.

    Remember when AI was jumping pieces and appearing and disappearing pieces… it knew…

    32:45 Leap spell on king and bishop takes queen. But i believe Qe4 is winning instead of Qc4.

    this is surprisingly good content. I'd watch every episode of this

    31:29 Queen to H4 is not losing for White, it can be a forced Queen trade. White freezes their queen, and moves to H5, threatening checkmate with a phase move next turn and threatening to take the queen. Black can take the queen with a phase through with the rook and white can respond in kind.

    Also, Ng4 was fine in that “losing position”

    "Chess is already very tactical game but this is nuts"

    I love novelty ! But, this is NOT chess anymore. This is a hugely complicated game that only looks like chess. It is too complex for people to master and then enjoy.

    If you freeze the only legal move is it just a stalemate

    Chess has had a ton of updates: various 3D chess games, 3 & 4 person chess, spherical chess, different size 2D boards, chess with new types of pieces, 4D chess, 5D chess with time travel, infinity chess, 1D chess…

    alright when is stock fish gonna be programmed to calculate spells lmao

    The green spell in COC is a jump spell so basically your making that piece invisible.

    After queen h4 u could freeze the queen then use ur rook and jump the a pawn to take the bishop and their wouldn’t be a threat

    14:20 the opponent hanged the bishop
    If levy used the jump spell pawn right infront of the rook

    can i get pinned for anaolutely no reason

    you just did a video on how you can't take the king

    32:34, wouldn't you put a spell on the king an take with the bishop?

    Chess 2 existed on Steam and other platforms for over 7 years

    Chess 2 existed on Steam and other platforms for over 7 years

    If you like this variation of chess you should play pokemon chess made by littlez

    Levy panicking then hanging a clean bishop in a winning position is so on brand 😂

    In all seriousness could you do a few videos of a rating climb for this? I think it'd be great content.

    Levy should play chess 2 Oats Jenkins version

    "Spell chess is exactly what it sounds like."
    C-H-E-S-S ?

    There's so many kinds of chess that there is no real 2.0 because we are like at 10.0 seeing how the queen used to be a one mover then 2 mover using king moves. Later getting the queen we know now, in Russia the queen also has knight movement. So 2.0 is click bait

    Gotham looks like he could be some sort of urban wizard, but no–good at chess, bad at magic.

    My kid is going to love spell chess and it's going to make me furious.

    15:24 "We need to get the bishop out of here" you can just take with rook and jump

    Very interesting! Gotham GM of Chess spells!?

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