Chess Is SOLVED?!

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%1$ Comments116

    140 terabytes?! Hopefully Chess 2.0 has better optimisation

    Mate in 52 sounds like a joke I'd tell my friends. Crazy what computers are able to do

    We need something more, like instead of an 8×8 table a 8×10, or this game is solved

    Isn't it solved from the beginning but its to complicated?😅

    Me first pawn move
    Checkmate in 2183 moves

    To put into perspective your ps4 is probably 1 or 2 terabyte at most. For only 7 moves it requires 140 TB is insane 😅

    Unfortunately, it does not account for the Supreme ability of humans to mess up

    Chess 2 can bbe created but unfortunately we can't becauase the Dev's are in the 1700s and our time machine is broken

    The table base is just Carlos Mangneson at full power

    im actually suprised it's not fully solved but yeah i understand that our computers just to weak

    There is table base for literally every and any move, with enough storage.

    If we had a strong enough computer, we could theoretically make a tablebase for the entire game and the winner of the game would be decided by who goes first.

    How long until a 10 year old memorizes the table base

    I feel like they should patch the pieces, buff the pawn and nerf the rook and queen

    What's more impressive is that chess notation requires almost no memory, so 140 TB is a lot. Like we talkin' a lot lot

    With few checks and the exchange of queens at G4 should do the thing as the pass pawn moves to victory

    Chees 2.0 is already out, look up shotgun chess

    well your brain can save more datas

    Chess 2.0 Rule changes:

    – Balancing
    Queens move 10% slower
    Pawns take 5% less damage

    There are 690,690,690,690 possible outcomes of this game of chess

    How many did I win?



    can we get something insteresting about this ?

    Like, if we take the symetric positions, is the first player always winning ?

    İmagine spending all your life work to eventually calculate every single move in the entire game of chess and then somebody decide spawns can now move 3 squares in their fire tmvoe and all your hard work is gone

    Me immediately liking the video when I see you, unliking it when you say chess is solved, then liking it again when you say seven pieces or less

    Chess gets more updates than geometry dash

    The human brain only has 2.5 petabytes or about 2560 terabytes. That means it would take about 18.3% of your brains entire capacity for memory in order to remember the table base. Imagine how much memory would be required to memorize every single position and how to win it.

    “Ah alright I’ll start with e5-“
    Blunder, checkmate in 169 moves

    Or in other words, every endgame has been solved. Now all we need to do is figure out how to force players into those endgames, and we will know the solution(s) to chess

    When powerful quantum computers arrive, it will take a few months for it to solve every possible position/game possible in chess.

    we need a chess 2.0
    chess rn has some horrible space optimization

    What about a 16×16 board with new pieces , different Terrain types . I Had this idea for Chess 2 but I can't program it

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