Chess Match Gets TOO Intense…

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%1$ Comments412

    Heres the old title before it gets changed:

    Chess Streamer Keeps Trash Talking… So I Did This

    Egg opening is for noobs. Egghead opening is for the real pros.

    How playable is the egg in chaturanga 🤔

    13:48 Sturdy is just as you’d said and also related to a dance. You’d don’t say anything wrong.

    I once showed up to play basketball and I sat on the side lines

    i love how in every episode that he is in the park he has a rubber duck

    Anna is one of my favorite chess YouTubers behind Gotham, her love and geekiness for the game is palpable. Thanks for sharing!

    If you are still in Paris I know some fun chess spots

    1:52 what do you mean you doNT THINK HE WOULD GET HIMSELF INTO THIS POSITION??? He would get himself into way worse positions just to entertain himself

    Roses are red
    Violets arw blue
    I just got clickbaited
    And so did you

    Levi really can only play while trash talking
    It's a beauty to see such Majestic creature unable to participate in world tournament due to their mouth

    Levy you should teach Wirtual how to play chess for pogchamps5

    At 21:20 Anna had a fork of your rooks that no-one saw apparently

    Anna is so adorable. It's funny watching all the goofy/faked rivalries. U know u love her to death.

    Levi thought about what magnus would do so hard it felt like magnus was coming in him

    I saw Levi's Egg opening and tried it out, immediately winning 3 games with the egg in a row.
    Sure I lost enough games with is after to level out the win loss ratio, but the EGG was so fun!

    When I see mate and levy misses it 🤣🤣🤣 today's a good day

    Still waiting for levy to play the cabbage opening

    There is an error in this game. Cramling does not play en passant which is forced

    "I don't think magnus would get himself into this position."
    meanwhile magnus spending the first 6 moves switching his king and queen.

    Levy I watch your videos every evening but damn this one was one of your better ones

    How was that a 2250 rated game???? respectfully, it was garbage! ha

    "I left the house, for the first time in my life" – Every chess streamer

    "what would Magnus play?" Levy continuously got it wrong. Magnus would always play Ke7

    Is levy really getting mad right now?

    who was that random lady talking about cows?

    The nanny with the camera changed the whole course of this game with her real interesting facts about cows

    Nice to know that Levy is "getting sturdy with it"

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