Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments404

    Who randomly started watching them and now a big fan

    I did this gambit and got my friends queen.


    2:39 Boy…just go tp that green square to protect you're queen idiotas

    When white and black king finally become friends

    I knew it there was gonna be the Tennison Gambit!

    It is the Scandinavian Defence: Tension Gambit.

    This video made the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit my favourite gambit

    THE TENNISON GAMBIT – intercontinental ballstic missile variation

    The intercontinental ballistic missle is one of very good moves, mostly played by TopChess, Chess memes #73 But also Magnus And Hikaru would find when Kf2, Bg3. Forcing pawn or king to take. Then Blacks queen is gone.

    If the queen and the knight planed it then why is king telling what to do

    that one moment when the kings agree

    white king have done a big mistake cuz of his greedy, he should have come back with his king man, that way it will prevent da check

    I like when black queen screams for help after white queen says "Intercontinental ballistic missile"

    The day has come. By sacrificing your favorite horsey and lame bishop, we can now perform the move of…
    Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
    {Black Queen gets nuked by White Queen}

    I know what's coming for me.
    The Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
    {Black Queen gets nuked by White Queen AGAIN}

    For queen:intercontinental ballistic missile gambit
    For king:intercontinental bullshit queen gambit

    i was screaming my lungs "NO DON'T TAKE THAT DAMN BISHOP" when the queen was about to take it in the end

    I really want to be a queen
    – King's Pawn

    "Fuck you queen" bro that had me rolling

    "Intercontiel Ballistic Missle"💀💀💀💀💀

    this is the first time a pawn was not promoted to a queen 3:52

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