Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments404

    Why you didn’t move the bishop to save the check in 3:33

    New title in the beginning: The king gives brain damage

    ᥡᥱᥲ 𝗍rᥙs𝗍 mᥱ ძ᥆ᥒ𝗍 𝗍rᥙs𝗍 ᥲᥒᥡ᥆ᥒᥱ

    Its official: The Inter Continental Ballistic Missile Gambit

    You idiots did pretty much THE EXACT SAME MOVE

    queen is a dumbo dum dum she want to take pieces when bishop moves lmao

    when the bishop checked the king why didn't the other bishop just blocked it

    I did the gambit and he fell for it

    Horsey:gotta keep acting…AAAAÆÆÆGHHH

    is it just me or does white team always win, maybe a racial slur 🫢

    I literally screamed when the queen took the bishop 💀 6:16

    5:34 if the knight went to e6 and the pawn taked it, bishop g6 was a beautiful checkmate

    It’s actually called Reti Opening: Tennison Gambit: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Variation.

    6:49 "most peaceful ending ever"
    His brother in heaven: f*** you

    Lesson learned:always castle before doing the intercontinental ballistic missile

    Bishops suck. Yall gotta stop defending them. They can only go on half the squares

    Since when did 70+ chess based memes exist wtf

    Nice intercontinental ballistic missile gambit again

    2:37 just move the king and protect the queen cuz that trap doesnt work when u play e4 b4

    I well think if next episode come king well demote the revived queen to pawn and promote horsey to a queen

    "Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles" Russia will like this

    When the queen PSST with the king:

    Its the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit finally top chess comes out with this!

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