Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #73 | When King Makes a Huge Blunder

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments404

    I guess now I can challenge my father and take out his precious queen😈😈😈

    Why didn't he play horsey when bishop checked king

    imagine being a pawn and getting promoted to a BISHOP 😂

    I really want to see the white queen get bullied and defeated so can you please do a video where black king wins every match

    please verify yourself and btw love from Hindustan

    he would trust him then not then he would and not x9999999999999999999999999999999 (he=black)

    Next episode: white king finds out horsey is forced to do it and then sacs the queen for no reason and make a new queen that's better

    Why is he acting saas
    Yeah why am I acting saas💀

    Ryan I hate everything about youtube says:

    Has anyone noticed these people are like 1000 ELO

    Yeah why am I acting sauce 💀

    Ur like u got home from school and got a bad grade but a new daily top chess got posted u know something good will happend

    Ah yes, Reti Opening, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Variation. My favorite gambit.

    Edit: I just learned ICBM can be played with Reti

    This is fucking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Intercontinental bullshit again 😂😂😂

    come play ches we have: random nuclear misile

    No horsey was hurt in the making of the video.

    I realise i remember king saying only his fav piece calls him king and non fav sire but the pawn at start called him king meaning his one of the fav?

    Thanks 'cause u taught me that INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSLE GAMBIT :>

    I can't belive this video famous so fast🤩

    Bruh why couldnt the queen just take the pawn above the bishop in round 2? Anyways that pawn above the white squared bishop is anyways a hanging pawn

    We should have had the horsey not do what the queen told him to do and seen a shot of the queen cutting the horsey’s 🍆 and turning into a pawn that would be funny

    3:00 is actually the "Tennison gambit Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Variation"

    I love how the black king got flashbacks since the second game

    I tried this thing and it was successful and it was like the first match but he didn't check me

    1:06 why did the white queen tell the black to pawn to kill the white pawn

    do a video where bishop wont listen to king and the bishop starts hating the king

    Why dont you give us more videos every day waiting makes me sad

    I think this is the reason why all my classmates got too smart at chess

    The thing is, the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit is a real thing

    Idea: bishop delivers a checkmate but in the process gets a rook and to horseys killed and is still hated

    I don't send my pawn two steps at a time in the first move. ✨

    Please do higher rated games, the blunders are so annoying

    this is so funny HAHAHAHAHAH
    also what is the music from the beginning? (not intro)

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