Chess Memes #86 | When You Scholar’s Mate

Chess Memes #86 | When You Scholar’s Mate

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    Finally a queen simp deserves a love for the kings when they became a revenge for the king

    That is revolution, GG bishops proud of y'all

    Finally Bishops are getting the respect they dont deserver 🥲

    I realised that in 2:35 white could've player Bishop c7 and sacrificed the Bishop to win the Queen, cant stop thinking in that now

    Though Bishops did not get the love they deserved, they made us learn that a checkmate with two Bishops is possible.

    Bishop is so usless. I would never get checkmate by a bishop

    bishops can also checkmate so give the bishop also equal priority

    Can i get pinned for absolutley no reason lol

    Thank you top chess
    You made my wish truth
    Making black black win

    I’m still waiting for “when king Trusts Bishop”

    It looks like bishops will be finally less underestimated soon
    But luckily or not?

    bishops finally getting the respect they deserve

    I really can't wait for episode where Bishop will rule the board haha.

    I wonder if you can do a version with a game from the 2023 FIDE Champ Tournament

    at 2:26 the green bishop could have been sacrificed to take the queen without losing their queen

    Bishops really told the kings to wake to reality 💀

    3:45 The black king should have let the bishop sleep so that the bishop doesn’t checkmate again.

    If u had a membership i would be a member

    Hmm today's episode rooks barely had screen time and episode was short (I said episode twice) ,feels like the old episodes

    guys,kings are still hating bishops but atleast they were used here for checkmate and just good moves.
    they getting respect? ofc!

    Blacks bishop also delivered checkmate.

    Now i dont want to debate with anyone, but the kings are right abiut the bishops, they're hella stupid 😂

    Most of the time

    Hey kings you say that bishops are useless but weren't they useful some times ? White king remember when you pinned the black queen with bishop ! Hey bishops don't worry queens love you and I love you too

    im starting to hate the kings for the first round

    What’s fourth wall is he talking about

    That's the lesson for the Kings to always love Bishops.
    White checkmated with the Bishop and Black checkmated with the Queen by the Bishop!

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