Chess Memes #86 | When You Scholar’s Mate

Chess Memes #86 | When You Scholar’s Mate

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments560

    The peices on the boardto the bishops: useless
    To the queens: simps

    To the viewers: legends (comments)

    Yall I think I found out why the kings hate the bishop its cuz they are queen simps

    @TopChess what are these theme songs you use can you give me the names pls and thx 😊

    2:27 There is a brilliant move in this position, it is Bxc7, putting the king in check, forcing him to take and win the queen on the next move.

    one day the bishop will get respect (maybe)

    Please make center pawn queen one day. I will like every video of your if this happens.

    I HATE Scholars Mate Players! I'm 330, and I see so many damn SM players. God.

    Video idea: when En Passant saves you from a checkmate

    Memes 87 – When you do a TWO-bishop mate

    Instead of wakanda forevering the queen they should have played Bxc7+, it was a free queen.

    Something's off… i think the black c pawn changed places with the d pawn…

    1:53 sacrifice queen on h7 then try to find the next move to checkmate

    I played the most Giga move today I was wondering if you could try and recreate it. Basically they moved their king to protect their knight but then I put my knight so it checked the king and forked the queen and rook.

    Not only was Bishop about to deliver a checkmate, he actually did now.

    Actually I'm sick of how Bishops are the poorest society tier even after delivering checkmate. I hope something changes before it's episode 100…

    One question what’s wrong with the bishops that the kings hate them and thank you so much. You’ve also inspired me so much for chess

    I prud of the bishops¡HE DO A CHECKMATE AND ASIST 1!

    You won’t see the view count how I see it but it’s 69,420 views

    Do a scene where you missclick in a important moment plz

    Black got plastered in the first game, LOL

    On 2:30 when Queen is pinned white neded to sac bishop because King is forced to take and after that white can kill the Queen because King is no longer protecting it

    If someone notice it give like😊

    Both Kings finally got what they deserved a checkmate by Bishop. I love it

    never, ever being rude to the bishop =n=

    What’s the song that plays when the bishop is talking about the mate in one? I really like how it sounds

    Will you make a video when the white King plays the legendary bongcloud opoening?

    Black Lives Matter I’m so glad black won black win forever 😊😊😊

    When the queen was pinned white had bishop takes on C7 luring the king away from the queens defense

    2:26 the bishop could kill the pawn king takes and queen takes queen

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