Chess Talent Test Puzzle

This special chess puzzle tells your chess talent level.

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%1$ Comments38

    I think I found something like this on YouTube, probably on your channel. Is this a repost? I actually wanted to pause before you gave the answer, and the first thing you showed was Qb3, which I thought was the solution lmao. That ended up eating a lot of my time. Then, I considered the alternatives and found the real solution. How does the solution determine our level, though?

    First move right, next one assumins he was moving another pawn went another route that still worked

    But what about b2,queen can't take the pawn bc of promotion and if it decided to hang in c2 then a2 how can you stop a1 promotion

    In that case I'm a genius.. or I just got lucky

    If there were kings couldn’t they just play a waiting move in the solution

    Your level of chess in negative u could do the First variant but still win

    I got it right but can’t the pawn on the b-file just get pushed to help promotion, correct me if I’m wrong but still…

    A1 instead of checking the kong with B2…..

    Just learned how the horsey moves, figured out the puzzle by accident. I guess I’m the next chess prodigy


    Yeah but the king you should be able to give checks unless non of this is can happen

    Similar problem already watched sometime back ❤, thanks.

    As long as there is no black king on n the board the position is illegal.
    When there is a black king, (as always…) there are many other options of checking the king and win a pawn.

    For example:
    After 1. Qxg6 (what you call a worng move) you say that black continue e7 and win.
    W hat if the black king is on h1 or e3 or c1??
    Obviously black can't play e7? because white will play Qxh6+ (check!!) and win.
    This is just one simple example of why this position is illegal!!
    What you actually did, is removing the black king from the board making the black "immortal"…
    You can't lose if you have no king yes?? 😂😂
    So black can play e7 without be worry about checks…

    Absolutely illegal position and ridiculous situation.

    What if black pushes the b pawn? (Honest question?

    I did it correctly does this mean I have talent

    After queen takes D3, the B pawn can advance. What then?

    I don’t get it. There is only 2 moves and one doesn’t work

    hey look another way to know im subhuman trash :’(

    Sir if you choose to take the end pawn black pushes another end of pawn

    Is another solution to go Qxd3, C2, QD2?
    From D2 i think you can protect against anything. C2 pawn can’t promote, B2 pawn moving would result in QxC2. After A2, QC1 should work no?

    Yup, I do not have talent for chess. Hence, proved.

    What if B3 pawn moves to B2 instead of the C3 pawn to C2?

    Anyone coming to the comments confused about whether this puzzle is even possible: the pawns ARE allowed to promote, but only if you capture them immediately after they do so. I couldn't work this out despite about 10 minutes of effort when Igor posted the full length video to his channel, so don't make the same mistake I did and misunderstand the rules.

    Those who knows the correct answer at the starting 😊

    This is an old Russian chess puzzle (also known as the "Soviet Test of Chess Talent"). Learn more about it by clicking the link above this video's title.

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