Double sacrifice | chess 💎

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Amazing double sacrifice

%1$ Comments109

    For those who didnt get it: Its a man you can slap but can also stroke

    Do Qh5 and u can’t stop checkmate after the sacrifices

    I already did somerthing like that the past month

    3 minor pieces are better than a queen but it depends on the position

    Rook to F5 would have set up a path to victory

    يارب سلامه تجيب فوق ال90% في الثانويه🤲🌹 says:

    What's the name of the song , please

    It took me 1 minute to understand, bruh im so slow

    first: stop this rude song
    second: he lost a knight and two bishops for a queen which r equal in points … but acctually the minor pieces r stronger than one major piece equal to them

    سوبر توبر برلينت موف

    Oh I was thinking there was a mate but I can’t see it after queen h5 and then g7 I don’t there’s anything

    White gets a Queen and two Pawns for a Knight and Bishop

    You're giving up 9 pts of material to win a Queen which is also 9 pts, so you're just equal in material

    i saw the knight hanging and i saw the bishop sac and i was just going "dont take dont take dont take" in my mind for a few seconds

    This is honestly a pretty easy move to find someone 800 elo can spot that

    For those who were confused the bishop check the king and the blavk queen is under attack if the king kills the bishop the white queen will kill the black queen

    No esta tan mal la pareja de alfiles y el caballo 🐎 por la dama no esta tan mal

    memin time • 420 billion views • 0.69 seconds ago says:

    Very simple, something that I could play and my Eli is 6 bro do something harder

    Am I the only one who actually found this the moment I saw it

    We: saw sacrifices to win the queen
    GMs: saw sacrifices to win

    No, it's (!) Move, i checked in analysis

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