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%1$ Comments379

    seems like more of an ego thing at this point – GM: he beat me, well no way he must be cheating

    Ian sacrificed I iece in hopes for an attack, there was nothing, and then gets angry losing 😂

    I personally preferred the Spider-Man meme thumbnail

    I think Levy Rozman is cheating, call me crazy but his haircut looks very suspicious

    Ngl Levy as a bald man would make him look like a Russian mafia

    Fabi looking like Marv from the sticky bandits

    I thing there is cheaters everywhere becuse i am much better otb then online i am much better otb then online i am rated 1300 but online 900

    I wonder at what point will someone file a defamation lawsuit,it seems like defamation but can it whole up in court.

    Is the cheaters series and leting them play each other like the hunger games,coming back please?

    Honestly, the only thing Kramnek is doing in my view is standing on a streetcorner with a sandwich board and a tinfoil hat. The constant attacks on other players, well-founded or not is only undermining his credibility in my eyes.

    Being the better player is also kind of cheating. It makes sense if you don't think about it.

    Kramnik you're not as good as you used to be. Getting a few beatings on Titled Tuesdays doesn't mean everyone is cheating.

    Kramnik would find this video intresting

    I find it really dangerous to start accusing young players at (relatively) the start at their career without real evidence. I mean how old was Carlsen when he started casually defeating some of the best? Did anyone accuse him of cheating at the time? Either way, could be a real drawback for future strong players and they could reconsider how much it's worth investing time and effort in chess if they are viewed like this from the start just because they start getting good results.

    Even though I do believe there is cheating, Krammnik is ruining his legacy by pointing fingers at literally everyone he can

    50% of the people I play are cheating. I cheat against the other 50%. Plus look at Levy flexing his Spanish.

    Hikaru actually said he chose to match up against lazavik (he got to choose based on the qualifier) because there are all these accusations about him and hikaru wanted to see what lazavik’s online strength was like (they played otb a few months ago at the cct final). So Hikaru chose to play the kid because he was curious to know if there’s any cheating involved. Not an accusation by Hikaru, obviously, but it’s something.

    I think that making accusations based on accuracy is wild some days I play with a 90% or higher accuracy for like 20 games straight and I’ll
    Be the first to tell you I’m TRASH at chess. 600 elo rapid . But also if there’s this much accusation then they should just investigate every single top player just to shut everyone up before chess kills itself from the inside out and no one wants to play due to cheating allegations.

    Free online chess instruction is more available than ever and there is more interest than ever so good new players are probably much more common. Cheating is also probably easier than ever before so theres probably more highly rated cheaters.

    Me:1070 rated loses 400-500 then gains back all WTF

    Cheating or not, I'm just here for the rook sacs.

    Yep! As a 500 elo player I can surely say that my opponents are cheating, even if they're hanging their queens 3 times but why does mine gets taken for free, It's outrageous and "interesting" at the same time.

    everyone cheats means noone gets banned

    And nearly all problems would be solved if there were stricter (PERMANENT) bans for cheating even once in a money event and ousting them publicly with FIDEs help, not this lackluster shit of giving them new accounts, thus helping to hide their malicious intents

    Chess world must admit that cheating paranoia with unsubstantiated accusations is officially a new big problem. It might be more dangerous for chess than cheating problem.

    25,000 views in an hour Levy is goated

    I don’t think Kramniks accusations will destroy any careers.
    At this point no one takes him seriously anyway.
    He accuses someone and most people are „yeah, ok… whatever“

    Before anyone starts complaining: I am only talking about Kramniks accusations, not accusations in general.

    "If I lose, I gotta accuse!" -Kramnik, Nepo, probably others

    It is sadly reassuring that chess too has fallen prey to the echo chamber and deffamation problems of the social média.

    Everyone needs to chill on accusing den bro’s just 17 😢

    Top tournaments not asking people to use double cam makes no sense

    we need a website that tells if there is currently chess drama

    Imagine someone getting a neurolink in their head. Chess will be broken

    My feeling is that there are more sore losers than cheaters in chess.

    Nepo is a crying baby, as you can see: https://youtu.be/GZcMItzI9ew?si=QcDOdfmTlFiph9J4; And Kraminik is an old man that dont know how to deal with the fact he loses againts non chess champions. Yes there is cheating in chess, but is not averyone cheating out there.

    Was Ian talking about cheating? Maybe Ian was just saying that his opponent played very well, I don't see any implication of cheating in Ian's comment.

    At this point! Even Gotham has been cheating too😅

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