GM LEVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments352

    Should I un-retire and go play a tournament?

    I swear if Levy played a little more arrogant he could be a GM

    Stollen is a German pastry. So "Stollenmoster" is actually a monster that likes stollen, i guess.

    Hikaru said it wasn’t realistic, just like himself becoming a world champion wasn’t realistic. Hikaru has since become a world champion. Keep pushing.

    The REAL "Ultimate" Title a Chess Player can achieve is NOT a petty "GM" there are about 2000 of them on Earth we know about … but "Super GM" having an ELO Rating above 2700! … Which are about 40 individuals! And Anish Giri from The Netherlands 🇳🇱 is one of them! Dutch GM Jorden van Foreest 🇳🇱 had a peak rating of 2715 in May 2022 making him a "Super GM" too until he dropped to the current 2682 back to be ordinary again.

    No ones gonna believe him when (if) Levy does manage to get the GM title because he puts 'GM Levy' or something similar in every single one of these videos

    Stollen is a special german bread with fruit and nuts. Stollenmonster is probably a play on cookie monster.

    The GM is within your reach. I been watching you for years now and you keep progressing. Do it just how you are, your way and not mainstreams way. Blessings be on you and Lucy.

    One of these days, you really are gonna be a GM, and we aren't gonna watch it thinking it's another clickbait…

    Levy never fails to clickbait us with the titles

    Levy, that reminded me of the game pac man. Awesome job vs krillin

    Stollen is a German christmas marzipan cake, and it's pronounced shtollen

    Wait untill he finds out GM is 2300+ since 1.1.2024

    No way you read this, but Monster and Stollen are German words, so if stollenmonster is german it means Monster of a mine (where you Mine metals in the ground)

    You went overboard with clickbaits.
    I am out.

    Click-bate third time !!!!!!
    I continue to fall for it

    StollenMonster probably just loves Stollen 😋

    > he has no title
    Man show some respect to NM

    Jesus Christ loves you repent and become orthodox

    It's either that or he change his middle name to GM.

    Never get's old that Levy pretends to play GM like when literally beating up the "MightyGMpretender"

    I totally believe Levy would 100% become GM if he got back from retirement in tournaments

    @Gothamchess yes you can do it nothing is impossible unless you believe it is all love 💕💕💕💕

    Stollen is a German word in the mining industry. Stollen are those old paths/tunnels that are supported by frames in order to transport ore etc. Simlar what you see in the Disney ride with the dwarfs… so Stollenmonster would be a monster in those dark, often abandoned tunnels…

    No one talking about how hard we got clickbaited⁉️⁉️

    I found mate at 28:18 from night to d7 if rook take then queen to b8 cheak mate 😮

    cmon levy I am waiting for the day for you to become a GM ,YOU CAN DO THIS!

    At 9 15 you talk about the name stollenmonster and how u think its misspelled. However "Stollen" is a german pastry. So he could be some kind of pastry monster because monster is also the german word for monster

    @GothamChess You could do a series collaboration with Hikaru and get both a bunch of views and a step to being a GM

    Play some tourneys dude, you can best your anxiety if you work on it

    it's actually stollenmonster with 2 L… it's has nothing to do with stolen… it's german for mine so it's minemonster 😂 (monster is the same in German)

    ,stollen is s german cake and monster is the same word un german so he might be a german relative of the cookie monster

    someone gotta count how many times gotham has become a gm

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