GM LEVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments352

    Title says you are – so from now on you'll be Grand Master Levy Rossman.

    With everything you've done for the game of chess you should definitely be given a GM title on principle alone 😅

    Goat-am blunders- draw but still manages to win
    I blunder – got Checkmate

    Stollen is actually a German cake, maybe the guy just loves those cakes

    Congratulations on becoming a Chess Grandmaster.

    You might not be a chess Grand Master but in my heart you are a YouTube Grand Master Baiter

    Levy really suffers in mid game, just like his older road to GM videos.

    Stollen is a type of cake. Maybe he loves stollen?

    9:30 in Germany the name Stollenmonster will make sense Bc stollen means something like mineshaft and monster is still monster

    Always enjoy watching your chess journey, truly inspiring. Particularly loved the meticulous break down of moves, it offers a great learning perspective for aspiring players.

    Levy is the Grandmaster of click-bait You Tube video titles, that is for sure.

    click bait once again. Greed. Now we know what happens to people who are subjected to advertisement all day, every day. Instead of creating a demand for their product, they create a demand for all products-greed. Never in the 3 million year history of homo sapiens has this happened and now we see the ramifications.
    Money is just one of the many solutions to problems created by man. Religion, time, and many others are simply solutions that people think are real but are really man made.

    Quit bragging about beating GMs, and finish getting your GM, while you are still young enough to do it.

    Pov: you knew its a clickbait and still proceed to view

    You cannot end the calculation with your move – Levy Rozman(2024)

    Something You can try is If You decide to un-retire You can try going to a tournament without making videos about IT, IT can posibly take of some pressure and maybe just maybe You will be able to maintain your compousure beacouse You really can get at least a norm or 2 If You can fully concentrate trough all the game/games(and maybe in the future maybe beacome a GM)

    Stollen is a marzipan cake eaten in Germany at Christmas – perhaps he loves cake?

    Are sports psychologists used by chess players? Is that something you could benefit from?

    What if guy play with the aim to lose? Should you aim to lose pieces or keep them? Should you try to corner your king?

    what does the NM title mean, ive never seen that before

    Whether you decide to un-retire or not, we will support you!

    Levy staying as an IM reminds me of Naruto staying as a genin

    Where r not in April yet. And he started spreading lies again 😂

    Yes un ritire we want to see a Gotham game please

    levy bad day : 1 wrong move inaccuracy
    my bad day : move 1 pawn e4 blunder

    and unlike hikaru 6 brilliant move back to back i got 6 blunder back to back; worst part is white failed to mate in that 6 blunder back to back …

    Last time he got into grandmaster, he had a lot more points than this time. How is this possible?

    Yes levy do it, you inspire me to play chess and helped me fall in love with it. I will never be a GM but I would love for you too

    New to chess ranking as a whole… What are the required parameters to qualify for GM?

    pleeease unretire we believe in you, we know you're more than capable

    how is your first opponent has no title but has 2440 fide? i thought FM is granted at 2300

    make the title GM Levy not a mere click bait by unretire!!

    Stollenmonster should be referring to the German meaning I think, a Stollen is similar to a cave or a tunnel

    I quit chess(I don't like my own comment anymore but I literally quit chess and it feels amazing)

    The amount of subscribers once you become GM📈📈📈

    Stollen is actually german for fruit loaf. So it like "Cookie Monster" . Kind regards from snowy Berlin <3

    Stollenmonster is actually named after the Stollen, a german Christmas cake iirc

    Stollen is practically a bread, but it's full of candied fruits etc

    Levy never fails to let his audience think he became a GM.

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