Hans Niemann vs Piers Morgan – Hikaru LMAO!!
Hikaru checks out the Hans Niemann interview on Piers Morgan and laughs his butt off.
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#gmhikaru #chess #hansniemann
Thinking in unsubscribing… this content is just another way for Hikaru to make money off of unsupported allegations made by Magnus. Up to this day I have not seen any evidence of Hans Niemann cheating over the board. I believe this type of content does not help chess in general…
Maybe you should play Piers
After this interview one could say he finally switched his remote device for his love of Terry. Truly inspirational.
All hail our true Emperor Magnus, also known as Darth Carlsen, the most powerful chess user
I need a loop of Hikaru laughing. That is all. You could live to be 220 yrs old. 🤣🤣🤣
Magnus seems to really want Alireza to be great; I struggle to believe he’s that worried about any competitor. I think he’d likely be more motivated than he seems to be right now to stay above everyone.
You know, this whole scandal was almost forgotten and Hans let Piers just hit it with the defibrillator and it's up and walking again
I lived alone at 16 too. Had to quit school in order to work full time at an in store bakery. As a minor I only earned half the amount my colleagues earned doing the exact same work, but all my living expenses were the same as theirs. No half rent, electricity, gas, phone, insurance etc. bills for minors living alone.
Regardless, I never ever considered taking a bit of change from the register or steal some food.
Being 16 and struggling on your own, is not an excuse for poor moral behavior!
Is Piers just an asshole with no filter and a one track mind or is he actually a legendary troll with a poker face? Lol
Looks like he is hiding something, answers are vague
It’s so meaningless and yet he said he wanted to increase his rating on the site? Why?
Hikaru mad cause he couldn't beat magnus.
Hikaru annoyed cause Hans has beaten Magnus in classical the same amount of times as him 💀 only once
The comparison to cyber bullying isn't as shallow as you are making it out to be. The fact that you and others don't see it explains why such puerile and damaging behaviour exists and is so common in the first place. To spell it out, an obviously false rumour was made up about someone. This rumour was spread online by people who saw it as a quick thrill. It's reached such an extent that it made national news, which people here seem to welcome with glee. This is very standard behaviour for bullies. The person who the rumour is about suffers ridicule and contempt wherever they go as a result. And you can clearly tell its affecting him mentally, you even said so in this video before quickly laughing it off. If this horrible behaviour happens in any school or to any kid you'll call it what it is and punish those responsible.
W for hans.. piers focused on a meme allegation to get clicks , also elon musk just trolled cuz he found it funny ,what would he know about the story, i mean the guy works for 15 hours a day i dont think he gave the slight amount of time to research about what really happened
Piers blundered 😀
This is humiliating and dehumanizing OMGGG JUST STOP TALKINGGGGG
Yeah Hans about to get banned again 😬
If online games are meaningless then there's no reason to care if you win them. So there could be no reason to cheat.
Hans: "Magnus got bead up that day. Get over it."
Online games are very meaninful for those of us who respect other players enough to play honestly.
This is peak Social Media age shit, Hikaru and Co just entered the Internet Hall of Fame with this story
It is really stupid and rude how Hikary always start laughing or commenting when Hanst try to answer on questions. Whatever Hans did was beating his idol Magnus and in that game only Magnus made mistakes that any IM could take as an adventage. Really low level additude by Hikary in this video!
As a Brit, Piers Morgan is a national embarrassment. But as a chess fan this was pretty funny. Hans really doesn’t help himself.
LOL this is a mess.
The reason why I think hans should stay banned is perfectly highlighted in this interview.
He cheated several times so people are now suspicious of him, and instead of showing that he has reformed and is sorry for everything, he just acts as an arrogant bratt, with his new catch phrase :"My chess speaks for itself".
And then he comes here for an interview with his lawyer, as though he has something to hide and needs a professional to watch his back.
We all know how hard it can be to play a tilted player when we are the underdogs, personnaly I've played an IM once as well as sardoche, and in both cases I was too stressed to play at my best level (I beat sardoche though).
Now hans benefits from something similar but much more sinister. He didn't prove his skills to get that, he cheated.
Now you're asking every GMs to be able to ignore the slight possibility that he might be cheating or not. And with everything he does he pushes this uncertainty even further…
I could also argue on the "meaningless" part of his argument but I won't bother it's too stupid for me… I will just say that if he really found those games meaningless he wouldn't play them let alone cheat in them, and if he says that it jad meaning for him alone, then it becomes a big asumption that only he is making…
Lol @GMHikaru mentioning the words anal beads and exploded (separately but in the same sentence) 2:13 – 2:19 haha
100 % agree why any one would sit for an interview with nutcase like Piers
That was hilarious
Touching Hans is the Signal he should shut up and let the Lawyer answer. Imagine you pay a lawyer and this is your prime defence he comes up with ^^ yeah i cheated my whole life at different things but never in a serious game of chess of course only 12 year olds do that. I follow cheating in speedrunning for years now and i have a pretty good sense what cheaters are like and boy hans tick all the boxes. Cheating in Chess ok but he crossed the line when he admited he cheated in CoD thats not OK go get your pitchforks guys we have work to do ^^ this is priceless entertainment
@24:16 Hikaru "better person " was a sarcastic comment
I'd probably not hold it over his head for being a dumb kid. Who wasn't?
I'd just wanna know how far it extends into his professional career which is the meat and potatoes of the situation
@23:04 just because Hans is strong and faced up and coped well with bullying does not make the bullying less worthy of mention Hikaru. If he was not a strong person it could have gone another way – so be careful with your commentary. Bullying is bullying. So respectfully disagree with your comments.
Why is it necessarily funny calling your lawyer a "friend"? A friend can be someone who has proven themselves or earned one's trust. It's more than someone you share some pints with at the local pub. We don't know the nature or extent of their relationship. Besides, if my lawyer got me an appreciable sum of money in settling a huge lawsuit, I'd be feeling quite friendly towards him/her (of course, I am assuming that Hans did end up with a pretty good-sized chunk of change, although the terms of settlements are almost always confidential). I think Hans handled himself well overall, and he is a pretty well spoken young man, whom I am sure has emerged a better and certainly stronger person as a result of an incredibly challenging experience. Regarding the interviewer's fixation on anal beads, love Hans' answer that "Your curiosity is a bit concerning, you know, maybe you're personally interested." Admittedly, Hans lost me a bit there when he said that online games are meaningless If the games were meaningless, then why would you feel the need to cheat? And he in fact admitted that he was doing it to raise his rating at the time. Hans' lawyer touched his leg obvioudly to let Hsns know that he wanted to address the interviewer's question. Gotta say though, like Hikaru, i can't understand why Hans would agree to give this tabloid dude an interview in the first place.
3:18 damn thats a lot of "you know"
17:45 play this 3 seconds on repeat until you lose your sanity
"Casual meaningless games." Yes, but in the context of what he was referring to, he clearly meant the non-tournament games. Hikaru connects Hans' reference to casual games with MVL's reference to making a living or the profession. I don't think Hikaru is dishonest, but I believe he is getting caught up in the "gotcha"-emotions because of his experience with Hans.
Again, I believe the lawyer intended to refer to cyberbullying in Chess history. These people are on international television/video with a hostile, mocking interviewer, and they're trying to defend themselves on the fly. To sit in your office watching video, stopping and restarting it over and over to nitpick what the target is saying is lacking integrity, in my view.
Again, listen to what is being said. I do not see Hans claiming Magnus bullied anyone else. I do not view what Magnus did as bullying, but I am not privy to all the correspondence and information passed in the background. But that is neither here nor there. Hans did not claim Magnus bullied other players, just him.
I agree that it is naive to go on a show with Piers.
There is so much to tease, point fingers at, and mock of Hans. There is no need to ignore your own rational thought, attention to detail, and integrity when doing it.
It seems like Stanley Kubrick decided to re-incarnate!
“I learned a lot about life and chess… That you need people to help you.” 🤔🤔🤔
Is this for real??? Unbelievable!
"You know"
Hans Neiman and Alejandro Ramirez are opening a chess camp called Beads R Us.
I think that every player before a tournament should make an anal test, including Carlsen and Nakamura.
Who would thought that Piers is a top lvl troll! He owned Hans XS
His eyes shifted to the left before answering whether he had cheated in the Magnus match. Body readers tend to associate this with cheating.
I don't think Hans grasps what calling them "meaningless games" means. If he's willing to cheat in something that is "meaningless" why would he not cheat in games that have a benefit to him?
Why is hikaru playing all these meaningless online games?? For some internet points?
Terence speaks for hans-self😂
I agree with Hans. My online ELO of 150 is meaningless. I am meaningfully 2800 because the machine typing this message for me said so.
Hans was clearly saying playing random online chess games is meaningless, not online tournaments with prize money. The deliberate misinterpretation from Hikaru is pathetic considering the part he's already played in influencing his impressionable YouTube audience into believing Hans cheated over the board