HE BEAT HIM!!! HE BEAT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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26:13 duck sound
I will fart for every like I get!!!🧨
Very Great klickbait
At the moment I actually consider Hikaru better in classical then Fabi
Good day
I don't think Ding wants to play chess anymore
That game was finally a game from Magnus ' old style/for 10 years ago, where he didn't play for draws but 'til the bitter end .. and wins miraculously😃I loved those games a lot🤩
4. e3 is not the classical variation of the nimzo but maybe you meant it was a standard mainline move
i've had that position at 5.Bd2 before, but the difference is that i didn't know wtf i was doing
am sorry after you said "just sit this one through" i started skipping around😁
Knight bird, it's not just about making all the right moves,it's the thought process knowing that's what you got to do which I taught the best program years ago when I beat it and it turned around not only to change moves but used my thought process I already had and knew which is my theory and the only proof I need and have is that pieces of paper I sent to the copy right years ago.they crossed my roads😊
Gukesh has an amazing opportunity to write history as the youngest world champion of all time. Ding SUCKS for months now and i don't see how he bounces back.
I told you how I feel so I'll tell you some more to know persistence and I know you went into the knight bird for the reason again of yourself and even to prove to yourself and you are closer to something more than you know that is a taken path that leads higher and persistence will only lead you to what I already know❤😊
Every like is one blink
Road to 5 million 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
3:38 homie u muted the sound of the pieces 2 years ago xD
Is the time paused while they go to confessional? How does that work?
This was a NASTY CLICK BAIT !!!!
Only in chess it's ok to say that white goes on a minority attack.
Magnus:Gonna draw
Anish:Gonna win
Really feeling bad for ding.I don't what he's going Through 😢
Well, Carlson is only a chess champion, no way is he going to beat Manny Pacquiao. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ding exposed badly
Hikaru stated in his own video that his prep ended after about an hour of play lol
Ahhhh I’m something of a Ding Liren myself
god of clickbait
No one cares about the women
Levy is on another level of clickbait, love it
DUDE! You keep saying ‘Jew In June’!! You mean… Jew In May!
10:13 sounds really bad out of context 😂
"HE" beats "HIM" not you so not be excited and you will never be a GM half blad russian femboy
When will he make a playlist with all of the magnus videos 🙏
Haters appears when magnus want to enjoy the game, but they disappear when he become serious
why u so excited
18:00 Levy spitting facts for some reason
how hard can you bait?
Gotham : Yes
Ding is going through some mid life crisis, dude hasn’t been the same ever since Magnus retired and he actually had the world championship pushed onto him
Don’t put them both in the thumbnail if they don’t play
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. O-O Bg4 6. h3 Bxf3 7. Qxf3 Nf6 8.
d3 Bc5 9. Nd2 O-O 10. Nb3 Bb6 11. Bg5 Qd6 12. Bxf6 Qxf6 13. Qxf6 gxf6 14. Nd2 a5
15. Nf3 a4 16. Nh4 a3 17. b3 Bd4 18. Rac1 Bb2 19. Rcd1 Rfd8 20. Nf5 Bc3 21. f4
Rd7 22. fxe5 fxe5 23. g4 f6 24. Ng3 Kf7 25. g5 Rd6 26. h4 Kg8 27. Nf5 Re6 28.
Kg2 Rf8 29. Kh3 Kh8 30. Kg4 Bb4 31. Nh6 Kg7 32. Kh5 fxg5 33. hxg5 Ree8 34. Rf5
Rxf5 35. exf5 Rd8 36. f6+ Kf8 37. Nf5 Kf7 38. Kg4 Rh8 39. Rh1 Bf8 40. Ng3 Kg6
41. Rh5 h6 42. Nf5 Kf7 43. Nh4 Rg8 44. Kf5 Rxg5+ 45. Rxg5 hxg5 46. Nf3 g4 47.
Nxe5+ Ke8 48. Kxg4 Bd6 49. Kf5 c5 50. Nc4 Bg3 51. Kg6 Kf8 52. Nxa3 Be5 53. Kf5
Bc3 54. Nc4 Kg8 55. Ke6 b5 56. Ne5 c4 57. f7+ Kg7 58. Nd7 Bb4 59. bxc4 Bd6 60.
cxb5 Kg6 61. f8=Q Bxf8 62. Nxf8+ Kg5 63. Kd7 Kf4 64. Kxc7 Ke3 65. b6 Kd2 66. b7
Ke3 67. a4 Kd2 68. a5 Kxc2 69. b8=Q Kd2 70. a6 Ke3 71. a7 Kxd3 72. a8=N Ke3 73.
Qb3+ Kd2 74. Qg3 Ke2 75. Ne6 Kd2 76. Nd4 Kc1 77. Qe3+ Kb1 78. Qb3+ Kc1 79. Nb6
Kd2 80. Nc4+ Ke1 81. Qg3+ Kf1 82. Nd2# 1-0
Ding lerin is a deep dark forest
Sorry but women chess sucks
I get why the titles are how they are, but it makes it a bit annoying for me
8:50 Yes, but Kh6 runs into Rf7 and you basically lose the pawn and slowly lose h5 too
I like watching without the evaluation bar, it really shows how accurate they need to be to convert their advantage
Pragg counters Magnus counters Hikaru counters Pragg (endless cycle)
knowing that you are ON THE ROAD makes the rapid fire amazing.
if one is confused, keep rewinding and keep listening
But the fact that magnus was champion for that long means the format works though. There will be another magnuslike player at some point
Girls first game black was moving in a way I understand but don't not use it and black had no intention to attack the king
Yon need more than a rook an knight