HE WON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments768

    The acoustics where ever he is are better than his home setup. Lol

    I was ready for some Frank content, I was sadly disappointed by Levy

    Wonder why Levy looks so sad when Nepo wins 😉

    Gotham, I love you dearly, but could you stop spoiling the result of the game in the title of the video? It takes the fun out of it for those who are not actively following the games live.
    Love your content though <3

    Bro stop putting spoilers in video titles, I understand the match doesnt generate a lot of views but if you want views just make 600 elo videos

    i saw the title and somehow i feel like ian won

    The horse has legs, it can jump.
    – Levi 2023

    Question I was thinking about: with various short form formats becoming more popular, might that have a knock on effect where game style is more aggressive, and thus leading to more results (for example, 3 positive results through 5 games in a World Championship)? Parallel in my mind is how much more aggressive Test Cricket has become since T20 became super popular.

    Just a thought.

    Ян Непомнящий хорошо выговаривает, молодец

    Why you spoiler the result man , stopp this

    Looks like Ding is not quite as strong with Black as Ian is. This is likely to be the deciding factor in Ian winning the WCC.

    Such high level chess. In moments where Levi mentions that this was a strong move, it is not a clear advantage from the moment the move gets played. That eval bar moves so minimally as well. Love to see it, even though I understand it very little haha.

    I like today's episode. It was mostly sounds like story telling and really helped to sleep. Long ago I used to watch chessnetwork in order to sleep faster. 🤓

    Damn! firouzja must some seriously good fashion designer

    This match is anybody's to take now. There are no favorites.

    Just clicking through waiting for dog cam to come back :/

    So before watching, I note the last video was "He wins!" and that was Ding, so is it still He, or is he Nepo?!?

    Are they allowed only a certain amount of moves per game? Why did Levy say Ding only had 5 moves left

    0:52 Clearly it is you who is not remembering since Ian didn’t win that game, shame on you pity guy

    I hope magnus never plays a world championship again. This is class entertainment

    Are you ok levy? you look like something's wrong

    It's an inspiration to see a 279 player beat a 2788, just show that nothing is impossible.

    Ian, with his honorary grandmaster title clocking in at 279 ELO, qualified to the World Chess Championship after winning the 2nd season of the Guess the ELO Cup.

    "What does white do to apply fatal pressure?"
    G4? Eh, that's probably stupid…
    "It's G4"
    Le gasp

    Ding went straight into Ian's prep. Man, it must have been scary for him

    So the reason world champion has drawing tendencies in recent years was not because of the development of engine but because of Magnus' playing style

    hope you’re doing ok levy, take a break if you need to. ❤

    You know somethings wrong when Levy instantly goes into the video

    I was expecting Frank… Im disappointed

    What do I do on Sundays?! Man, there is chess to be played. League is up and our opposing team is much better. Wish me luck to draw my game.

    16:50 Actually cancer has a lot of efficient treatments in comparison to virus diseases. You should’ve said “queen is a HIV peace in d5”

    Lucas Sarandy - Construindo RIQUEZA! says:

    It's intersting to notice the way Ian reacts so bad when he loses

    Damn.. that 279 Elo player play better than me..

    Nice of the kidnappers to let Levi make this video from their basement

    Levy, if you can, I think it would be helpful to have a move counter

    Levy what happened man that you still thought for a bit to say "get outta here"? I'm concerned bro

    One thing is for certain, this world championship is 10x more interesting than previous years cause the competition is much closer in level.

    Props to Yan for being 279 rated and taking down Ding!

    Please don't spoil the result man, it's a 3 result game. Unsubbing until wcc is over

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