HE WON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ding will thrash nepo tomorrow
Ian might be our new chess prodigy for playing a grandmaster at 200 elo
I bet Ian kidnapped levy during the rest day so that levy could train him in the world championship. This is why he’s at another house. 🤯
This kind of back and forth really makes it a nail biter. Now to see If Ding will be able to come back swinging tomorrow.
23 minutes to make his first thinking move ? Mate how bad are you at math though lol
nuts series
Thank you for not spoiling the outcome in the title
Gotta say the world championship game till now i would still say magnus vs Ian game number 6
Call me superticious, but I´m drading for tomorrow´s game 6
"You want your opponent to just not move any more" seems a bit macabre. Although maybe true after this game.
When GMs decide to play practically instead of playing the best move, they end up playing moves that are similar in strength to the best moves.
When beginners try to "play practically" they end up playing horrible moves that they think are agressive, instead of trying to play the best moves that they can.
gotta be proud of Ian for holding his own, he is only a 200 and he has to take on one of the best players in the world
clickbait title lol thought it meant Ding won again.
Great recap as always. Can't wait for round 6
Ding Chilling.
Spoilers??? Wtf gotham?
Levy looks like he just got kidnapped by someone and is being forced to make videos
9:34 competely instantly☠️☠️☠️
Levy:this ant my house as you can tell behind me. I'm actually broke in, kidnapped the family, stole all the value and subscribed to gothamchees on all of there accounts. I put the family in the back of my van, contact a rich relative, torture Intel they give me $500k.
Best Chess commentator keep doing what you do man . always nice content
Levy Rizzman
I am only rated about 1400 but it seems to me an alternative to Na5-c6 would be Bg5, threatening to trade for the d2 knight? It's a really shit bishop and the knight is the big threat so why not?
levy is so out of character just because it aint his house and I understand he cant yell and all that but still his mentality is different
Nice pronunciation of Непомнящий👍
wtf Ding looses to 279 elo
Is that record when Ian wins though he is 2500 elo lower?😂
Let Ian’s 279 ELO be an inspiration for all of us
Watchrd the hole game. So let's see the recapp but the night changed the holr game. But let's go ding tomorrow with tje white pieces
i cant believe Levy broke into someone's house in order to analyze the chess world championship
Why he is in a different layout, I'm so alarmed
I thought you were talking about Frank again
So he just broke into someone’s house and filmed a video?
you okay bro? voice sounding low
hey gotham i love ur vieos ur my favorite chess streamer/youtuber
Jeez, I WISH that Levy would just STFU and go thru the damn game. His running "analysis" is ANNOYING.
I am alarmed!
In this video Levy looks like what people say New York smells like
Levy, I love your recaps. Sincerely, a 600 elo player
This was sucha great recap 10/10
“Giri played Queen d7 defending the B5 pawn and he went on to lose not because of the move Queen d7 but Firouzja is a very good fashion designer “ 😂😂
Lets goooo Iaaaaan!!!!
so bad
Levy had to break into someone else house to give a fastest recap possible
10/10 stare
So Nice of Levy's Kidnapper for providing him with a computer for him to continue the daily grind.
Levy: as you can tell, this ant my house. Matter in fact, I robbing this house cause ther weren't subscribed.
It's a closed position.
How do you know that?
Because I just told you and you should listen.
– Levy, 2023
Lets hope ding can clutch up
“ian shows a masterclass-“
yeah but this is a masterclass of how to make a thumbnail and video title
Don't stay off the internet for 2 hours waiting him, just watch agadmator. His recap is the best