HE WON! HE WON!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments312

    I think Hikaru had more pressure than he had before. People have very high expectations off him this tourney.

    I think Hikaru had more pressure than he had before. People have very high expectations off him this tourney.

    I've been watching your content for 3 years now and I swear Alireza has never won a game against a higher rated player

    I've been watching your content for 3 years now and I swear Alireza has never won a game against a higher rated player

    Thank you Levy for bringing us the candidates live. Nice energy ❤

    Thank you Levy for bringing us the candidates live. Nice energy ❤

    What is the consensus on why Magnus chose not to play this?

    Best defender couldn't defend against the power of indian brain😅

    Idk anyone had noticed or not but nowadays Gotham doesn't explain much about game ….the details that his old videos contained are missing in recent videos

    I lost count of "He won!!!!!!!!" videos

    So, hikaru can't win anymore?? Not included?

    I watched it live, but still came to see a recap by Levy, it's another level of presenting chess)

    Can someone enlighten me. I don't quite understand why there is like a Men and Women division in chess. I mean, what it does suppose to mean?

    Bro no one cares about the women’s division I’m ngl

    pragg is older than gukesh but looks 12 and gukesh is younger but somehow looks 21 💀💀💀

    Tier list experts? Shhhhh…………🤫🤫 please interview now and smirk again 😏😏🤐🤐🤫🤫
    #ViditFTW Letsssss GOOOOOOOOO Also #GothamOP for the support #LevyOP

    Hey gotham you have beef with li? Let's team up to defeat her!

    Probably the best round of the entire tournament. Good job everyone. Thanks Levy for the entertaining commentary and analysis. Really enjoyed this one. What a blow to Hikaru and Alireza, it's going to be mentally tough to bounce back against solid players like Nepo and Fabi. It's going to get interesting how they are going to try to crack them. We're up for a fight for sure.

    >Hikaru’s face after Bb6


    Which is funny because after that move I was positive that Hikaru was going to resign and I stopped watching the stream. But apparently it went on for another like 10 moves.

    Why are the women not playing with the men, I'm confused. Is it man only?

    You should update Vaishali’s info, she’s a GM not an IM

    amazing games today. I tried to stay up for them but i work overnight so i cant watch live. really appreciate the recap

    in boys :he goes here to do this by this for this etc.
    In female : ahh nothing happens😂😂

    When Chess is your pay check.bills already paid

    just love how Levy explain everything. and how crazy he is also 😀

    Tons of earthquakes around the globe recently and getting more often

    Vidit, Pragg, Ian went crazy in the second round.

    Привет из России. Яну успехов ❤

    First title: HE LOST
    Second title: HE WON! HE WON!!!!!!!!!!!

    Levy looking like he just rolled out bed, turned the camera on and started recording.

    Vidit Bhai❤❤❤❤🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

    World championship without magnus is harsh to watch. There is no motivation because in the end you know you will not face the best player in the world.😢

    Without magnus, gotham is carrying the promotion of the candidates 😂. Fide should pay him

    Happy to hear you and your family (and all Newyorkers for that matter, but I watch your videos, not theirs) are alright. I hope there'll be no more earthquakes.

    Chess has become a joke. Who cares about the world championship when the best player in the world isn't playing in it. Questionable decision by Magnus, but It made me not care about the world championship or chess in general anymore. Why would he stop playing instead of prolonging his legacy and setting a bigger streak for himself that will never be beaten? Why would he ruin the best tournament of the year and act like a drama queen when this game has brought him everything in life??

    Improving advice for your interviews! Please read it carefully.

    1. Window should be in front of the face, not behind it. Sun light is stronger than any other light. It creates shadow on the face. So sit in front of the window OR completely shut the sun light and use our own light.
    2. You use wired mic. It's ok. But place it closer to the mouth. Sound will be more cleaner and louder. The further you put such a mic from mouth, the more extra sound it catches from the environment. If you want more professional sound, you can use dji wireless mic. And check if your editor do a noise reduction. It should't be a simple Premiere Pro automatic reduction.
    3. Speaking about filming angels. It's comletely on your own taste. BUT I think Lex Fridman podcast is a nice example of how it should be. Or if you want to remain your format, I would change the different angels more often, and reduce or remove the scenes where you're both in the frame, add more time to the only guest in the frame scenes. And it would be more comfortable to watch if you sit closer to the guest or put camera further, so you're both placed in the middle of the frame. There SHOULD be space left and right.
    4. Topics, again, it's your taste. But I would be more interested if you mix different topics more often and ask more private questions. Of course chess questions should be the main topic. Again, Lex Fridman podcast is a good example.
    5. You can watch previous interviews of your gest before your interview. It will help you to understand which kind of questions it is better to ask.
    6. I understand you're new in this format, so nervousness is ok. Maybe imagine next time you're talking with your good friend. Try to make it more friendly and relaxed. Do some physical exersizes before the interview to burn adrenalin, or take a hot shower to relax.

    Curiosity….how do chess tournaments work?

    I don't understand the point of having a different section for women! There is no physical disadvantage.

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